Live SIT REP: Russians Targeting Americans Now, Furry over US Intervention and Funding of Ukraine War

In a battle with ‘Drones, Missiles and Mortars”, the war in Ukraine is not exactly what the American media has been telling us it is, according to Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam who is live on the scene and reporting the difficult details of the conflict.

And there is a great disconnect between what the American people are saying and what Washington DC is doing. Bergquam is investigating the situation.

“We are headed toward Donbas, the frontline of this war and we have heard that the Russians and the Russian media is targeting Americans through technology,” Bergquam said in a recent video message.

“We are bringing the news that the American media does not want you to know whether it is on the Southern border of the US or in Ukraine,” he said.


Earlier in his report about Ukraine Bergquam had shown an attack:

A Politico report at the end of May talked about the escalating frustrations that the Russian leaders had with America’s intervention in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia:

“Washington is investigating reports that U.S. military vehicles were used in raids on Russia, a White House official said Wednesday, warning Ukraine and pro-Ukraine forces against using U.S. equipment to attack inside Russia.

Two pro-Ukraine Russian paramilitary groups claimed responsibility for an incursion Monday into Russia’s Belgorod region from Ukraine, in which they overran several small villages. Moscow said Wednesday it had defeated the groups, killing more than 70 people and destroying U.S.-made military vehicles.

U.S. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said in May that the White House is “looking into those reports that the U.S. equipment and vehicles could have been involved,” hinting at frustration in Washington.

“We’ve been pretty darn clear: We don’t support the use of U.S.-made equipment for attacks inside Russia … we’ve been clear about that with the Ukrainians,” Kirby said. “I won’t get into private discussions that we’re having with them. But I think we’ve been nothing but consistent about our concerns in that regard.”

“I don’t know if it’s true or not, in terms of the veracity of that imagery,” said Ryder. “You’ll recall [this week] there were some bogus images of reported, alleged explosions at the Pentagon. So, you know, we just — all of us, both within the [defense department] and I’m sure in the … journalistic community, have to take a look at these things and make sure we get the facts before we make assumptions.”

Ukraine has denied involvement in the attack, saying the two groups — Legion of Free Russia and Russian Volunteer Corps — consist only of Russian citizens who are fighting on Kyiv’s side, aiming to create a demilitarized zone on the border with Ukraine.

Andriy Cherniak, a representative of Ukraine’s Military Intelligence or HUR, told POLITICO that military aid provided by the U.S. and other Western allies is strictly limited for use by the Ukrainian army.”

And not much has been settled since MAY; the American people are not happy.

Popular podcaster Joe Rogan talked about the escalation of deaths and the confusion many Americans have for what the US is involved in the death and destruction at all:

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