Massive Invasion of the US from Foreign Adversaries and Military-Aged Men, Cloaked by Mayorkas Exposed Amid Impeachment Threat

There are multiple points of data to confirm that the United States is being invaded by multiple foreign adversaries, and the make-up of the invaders is military-aged men. If anyone was sane or truly trying to protect the United States of America in the Biden administration, they would be alarmed at the staggering numbers of hostile countries to the US who appear to be sending criminals, economic migrants and fighting-age men to our open and soft borders.

The number of people crossing is understood by the people who are at the border and see the telltale signs of litter and debris left in the paths most traveled to the US border.

On top of the obvious creepy feeling of a violent invasion unfolding, there is proof from Ben Bergquam that the invasion is massive, messy, and completely disrespectful to our nation- as exposed in this video:

Bergquam, host of Law and Border on Real Ameria’s Voice, who has traveled around the world to record the cause and the damage of the massive human migration, and his associates have recently captured footage of the migrant situation to show the American people what they most need to know about the dangers they face.

This is highly important, especially as articles of impeachment have been filed for both Democrats Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas.

Bergquam’s reminder of what is unfolding comes at the same time that Noland Rapport from The Hill reports, ” Mayorkas is shielding almost a million deportable immigrants from removal”.

From The Hill:

“House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green (R-Tenn.) recently issued a fact sheet on what he claims to be Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’s “shell game” attempt to hide a startling crisis at the Southwest border.

Migrants without visas or other entry documents can install the CBP One app on their mobile phones and use it to schedule an appointment to present themselves at specified Southwest Border ports of entry. A recent media report shows that 99 percent of the migrants who had these appointments were exempted from Title 42 expulsion and released into the U.S. interior.”


“They really don’t want you to see this video! Biden and the Democrats want you to think that the crisis at the border is over. They are lying to you. The truth is Biden’s Border Invasion continues, and you’re paying for it! And to all of our friends in Mexico, if you’re wondering why the wait times are so long at the ports of entry, this is the reason. #CBP1 President Trump was #AmericaFirst Joe Biden and the Democrats are #AmericaLast,” Bergquam wrote.


And it is no surprise that the invasion into the United States didn’t pause for a moment to honor our Independence Day, according to Bergquam:

“Breaking: you have to see and please share this footage! As we celebrated our Independence, our country was and is being invaded! This is just one section of the border that Mayorkas and Biden have abandoned to the cartels near Columbus, New Mexico. I did what I could to slow them down, but it’s time for every American citizen to get involved. “Law & Border” Real America’s Voice News@RealAmVoicehttp://AmericasVoice.news” Bergquam reported.



Another angle of the invasion comes from Real America’s Voice correspondent, Oscas El Blue Ramirez, who posted a similar situation of lines of military-aged med crossing the border for a faked asylum.

And more confirmation is available:

The Hill goes on:

“CBP has increased the number of CBP One admissions to 1,450 a day.

This shifts the release of undocumented migrants to ports of entry to make it appear that “illegal” crossings are decreasing. “It’s clear the Biden administration’s approach to ‘border management’ is to identify more expeditious ways to process illegal aliens and release them into the interior of the United States,” said Chairman Green.

Illegal entries aren’t the only problem. Mayorkas has prohibited enforcement measures against migrants who use nonimmigrant visitor’s visas to enter the United States lawfully and don’t leave when the period authorized for their visit has expired.”

This confirms what Bergquam reported to Steve Bannon on the War Room on Thursday: