Michael Cohen Freaks Out On War Room! Dershowitz-Liberal Icon- Crushes Bragg’s Case Adds New Angle for Dismissal

Michael Cohen may have destroyed his chance to testify against President Donald J. Trump by giving Trump’s lawyers a golden ticket on the War Room program Saturday morning.

Below is the quick 11 min. War Room clip of Steve Bannon, with iconic classic- liberal defender of America’s Judicial system, Alan Dershowitz, and it has everything we need to know about how the Marxist-left has been operating against the US Constitution and the American people.

And this is no April Fool’s joke.. this happened.

The video clip starts out with a discussion about George Soros’s links to the scheme to ‘Get Trump’ and to get Americans. Then around the 5:00 mark Bannon goes back to what the two had discussed on an earlier segment- about a Twitter post Cohen had made defaming Dershowitz.

Bannon asked Dershowitz again if he was series about suing Cohen over a very nasty and defamatory tweet about Dershowitz.

Then in the exchange, seen in the War Room video below, between Dershowitz and Bannon, Cohen the humiliated former attorney for Donald J. Trump, jumps into the mix- by email.

Dershowitz read an email from Cohen out loud and that is where it got really interesting.

The video shows something pretty hardcore! It has the star witness of Alvin Bragg’s case- Cohen admitting he is STILL lying, and it was all caught on air Saturday morning.

“When you throw a skunk into the Jury Room, even after you remove the skunk the smell is still there,” Dershowitz said, unimpressed with Cohen’s ‘truce’.

Lying about people is an interesting admission for someone who is bragging that he will be testifying against President Trump, a presidential candidate:

And it wasn’t Saturday morning cartoons, but it was all sort of crazy like a cartoon show.

“This is proof that he (Cohen) is willing to lie about innocent people if he doesn’t like them. We know now that he has lied and I suspect that tweet and this email will be useful if Cohen testifies,” Dershowitz said.

It all really happened,live and on air, on the War Room. after Dershowitz slammed Cohen, who is central in Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s ‘Get Trump’ scheme in New York.

Then Dershowitz wove together a number of legal points, Cohen freaks out by email to Dershowitz, and then Dershowitz insinuates that what just happened- could influence the case against Trump in Bragg’s manhattan court- and where is the media?

What just happened? Dershowitz was on fire, and focused on exposing the lies of the Never Trumpers.

Dershowitz talked to Bannon about how Cohen is a known liar with a long pattern of lies, including that recent tweet about Dershowitz himself, where Cohen wrongly tried to tie Dershowitz together with events at Epstein Island, which had never been proven.

When Cohen responded to Dershowitz by email and to the threats of a lawsuit for defamation, saying he would take the post down this is when Cohen destroyed himself.

“I am happy to remove the tweet,” Cohen wrote about the defamatory tweet in the email Dershowitz read on the War Room, and Dershowitz said that gesture was not enough.

Dershowitz said that action was not at all enough and hinted that by his actions Cohen admitted he is a liar and that what just happened could actually change the case against President Donald J. Trump now because Cohen is the star witness in the case against Trump!

“He accused me,” Dershowitz said, furious. “This may an admission by him that he lied and he needs to go a lot further to avoid a lawsuit, and I believe there will be a lawsuit and that Trump’s lawyers will use the tweet and the admission,” Dershowitz said.