Must See ‘TV’ Law and Border, Saturday 4 PM

Ben Bergquam has a new episode of his excellent investigative journalism dropping for Real America’s Voice this weekend. Bergquam’s well-sourced news has documented the incredible betrayal of the American people and of many of the people coming to the United States with the belief that they will get a free ride into a country where they will be allowed to have everything they ever wanted.


Politicians are using open borders for various tactics that help benefit them. However, the damage is being done to American communities nationwide. Now, even leftist politicians like Eric Adams in New York are feeling the brutal reality of what open borders look like.

And Ben warned them a long time ago:

So this happened this week with Eric Adams:

And this is what the problem is for Americans who are being replaced:

Bergquam slams Democrat Joe Biden for the massive move of illegals into the United States:

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A video by Anthony Aguero shows that children are being trafficked, and the situation is out of control:

Aguero caught footage of the vast numbers of people and how easily they get into the country,

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