New Shock Poll May have Scared Norfolk Southern! Cancelled Town Hall after Real America’s Voice Show ‘Abandoned’ Americans

Frontline Ameria founder and correspondent for Real America’s Voice, Ben Bergquam, was on location in East Palestine, Ohio, on Tuesday to investigate whether or not there had been any improvements in the soil, water, or air and what he found explains why the residents of the area are frustrated and angry two months at a major environmental disaster happened.

Bergquam participated in day one of Real America’s Voice town hall for the abandoned people of the state.

One guest, on the evening segement of the War Room reported right before the end of programing that the train company, Norfolk and Southern, had canceled a town hall in a nearby town where they were expected to have been met with frustrated Americans.

The timing is curious.

Polling by top pollster Rasmussen, that came out earlier in the day, showed a scared and fuious population, and may explain the reason the group decided to not show.

The group reported that 71% of the people do not feel comfortable drinking the water in the area after a massive chemical spill and exploision:

According to the pollsters:

Most voters give the federal government low ratings for its response to this month’s train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 30% of Likely U.S. Voters rate the government’s response to the Ohio train derailment as good or excellent. Forty-six percent give the government a poor rating for handling the disaster. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

After the February 3 derailment of a Norfolk Southern freight train released the toxic chemical vinyl chloride, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said tests “show no water quality concerns” in East Palestine. However, only 23% of voters say that they would feel safe drinking the water If they lived near the site where the train derailed, including just nine percent (9%) who would feel Very Safe drinking the water there. Seventy-one percent (71%) would not feel safe drinking the water near East Palestine, including 47% who say they’d feel Not At All Safe.

But the embattled company canceling shouldn’t have been a surprise considering the reaction that Real America’s Voice got at their live day-long coverage of the area and the people who were most affected by the train derailment and later explosion.

One woman described what happened to them as being “Nuked” as she explained to War Room host, Steve Bannon.

The Train Company was recieving mixed reviews by the community members about the level of chemicals in the air, soil and water.

Here is more of our reporting:


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