Rep. Adam Schiff Censured For Lying to Americans While Democrats Cheered to Thank Him

US Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FLA), at 7 months pregnant, was courageous enough to do what few men in the House of Representatives were willing to do, up to this point, and that was to demand that US Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) be censured for his corrupt behavior and actions against the people of the United States when he lied to set up President Donald J. Trump to be impeached.

Luna had tried before to bring censure and a fine against Schiff, but soft Republicans refused to punish Schiff with more than a little gentle slap on the hand.

Here is he roll call of how people voted:

This was a fun tweet by Dan Scavino, which was a flashback to something President Donald J. Trump posted in 2019…

So Luna brought a softer rebuke against the lying Congressman on Wednesday and it passed:

Here are some of the details:

The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to censure Schiff for pushing claims that former President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia — a vote that made Schiff just the third member of the House to be censured since the turn of the century.

The resolution passed 213-209 in a vote — every Republican voted for it except for six who voted “present,” and every Democrat voted against it, according to Fox News.

McCarthy then asked Schiff to present himself in the well of the House, and Democrats clapped and cheered as he approached. After being interrupted several times by Democrats, McCarthy said, “I have all night.”

Schiff then stood in well of the House as required by the resolution and was hugged and cheered by dozens of Democrats who surrounded him. The measure also requires the House Committee on Ethics to investigate Schiff’s “falsehoods, misrepresentations, and abuses of sensitive information.

Immediately following the vote, Democrats gathered on the floor and chanted “Shame!” and “Disgrace!” as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., tried to gavel the House in order for several minutes. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., was heard calling McCarthy a “spiteful coward” and accusing him of “weak leadership.”

The news came mid-evening on Wednesday that the US House finally did one small thing to defend the integrity of offices, as announced by Luna:

From Fox News:

It was the second time the House tried to pass a resolution censuring Schiff from Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla. A resolution from Luna failed on the House floor last week because it recommended a fine against Schiff of $16 million, which Democrats and 20 Republicans opposed.

With that language removed, the resolution was able to pass on a party-line vote, which Luna said was needed to fight back against Schiff’s “lies” about Trump.

“As chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff launched an all-out political campaign built on baseless distortions against a sitting U.S. president, at the expense of every single citizen in this country and the honor of the House of Representatives,” Luna said before the vote. “With access to sensitive information unavailable to most members of Congress and certainly not accessible to the American people, Schiff abused his privileges, claiming to know the truth while leaving Americans in the dark about his web of lies… lies so severe that they altered the course of the country forever.”

Schiff spoke in his own defense on the House floor and thanked Republicans for bringing the resolution forward again with sarcasm like a bratty child.

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