Show Your CCP Loyalty: Republicans Linked to Sequoia Venture Capital are Acting Very Weird [PT.1]

Democrats are being exposed for their connections to the Chinese Communist Party, as a post from June 25 shows, calling Democrat John Kerry out for his massive investments in Chinese energy, which sounds a whole lot like what we hear about the Biden Crime Family lately and what we know about the families of the Clintons and the Peosi’s.

But it is not just Democrats who betrayed the American people in these ways by giving access to foreign groups. And the money was not just being made on energy.

“The flow of capital and profit was going towards weapons and making people nervous, (in 2018). There were investigations into how the CCP used Wall Street, which were shut down. Three investigations were happening in parallel at the same time, and Mike Turner shut those down. Sequoia never had to answer the iniquiry from the committee, and then Sequoia became Kevin McCarthy’s top donor,” Brian Costello told Steve Bannon, host of the War Room, on Wednesday.

Bannon, who says that America has become a tributary state for the CCP because of the greed of too many American politicians, talked about that 2018 era committee and recalled that US Rep. Devin Nunes was head of the House Inteli public select committee on China at the time. He deputized two people to investigate the CCP actions, and that the FEC, DOJ, and FBI all looked away.

and nothing ever came from any of it.

US Rep Mike Turner (R-OH) had joined the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in 2015 and was appointed Chairman on January 23, 2023.

“They actually stopped going to the government and started going to Wall Street because they know that the the people running the country are the ones who are stuffing the politician’s pockets,” Costello, who identified Bannon that he was the source for that intelligence committee investigation into Sequoia in 2018, because he knew who was taking the money.

Costello says he warned McCarthy not to take funds from Sequoia and that it was an “Open Secret” in DC about who was funding him, even in the Speaker race.

The discussion between Bannon and Costello was in reaction to an explosive Wednesday Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article about a CCP-linked Venture Capital Fund called Sequoia, which is getting mainstream interest this week because it threatens to reveal who in the US and India was profiting along with them.

Costello is pulling no punches on the topic of the CCP’s actions. He exposed a lot of government corruption to Bannon’s War Room audience. Costello does appear to have a firm grasp on the financial dealings of many people.

For example- Costello called out another firm. Two of the top funders are Sequoia Capital vs. Hillhouse: which the media calls “China’s Fiercest Investor Rivalry”.

Costello pointed out that American politicians are involved with both groups and slammed Kerry for his conflict of interest, as Kerry was trying to entice Americans to invest in foreign energy companies for Hillhouse- but remember, it is not just Kerry he is ripping:

Costello also has much more to say about who was involved with Sequoia and named people who are acting weird- this week- in public as they tried to denounce President Donald J. Trump.

Paul Ryan (R-WI) and embattled Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) both publicly commented about their negative feelings about Trump’s chances for the Presidency in 2024 and then tried to backtrack on what they said.

The denunciation appeared to be a show of obedience to foreign money sources who want Trump to lose.

And that makes sense because the CCP loves their denunciation rallies- or their struggle sessions.

In other words, it appears the American public is seeing the ouster of Republicans secretly married to the CCP and Chinese investment groups. They are the Republicans who are going to say they do not like Trump after pretending to support him in the past.

On Wednesday, Ryan, the former speaker of the house, appeared on the show- Squak Box- to slam Trump and marginalize Trump’s supporters:

And McCarthy did the same thing. Just The News reported about McCarthy’s comments to the same Squawk Box on Tuesday, as he appeared to dis Trump:

“House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has run afoul of Donald Trump and his allies after seeming to cast doubt on the former president’s status as the strongest Republican candidate to challenge President Joe Biden.”

During a CNBC appearance this week, McCarthy suggested Trump could indeed beat Biden but said that other candidates could also challenge him while also acknowledging Biden might win.

“The question is, is he the strongest to win the election? I don’t know that answer,” he said. “Yeah, anybody can beat Biden. Can Biden beat other people? Yes, Biden can beat them.”

The California Republican’s non-committal word salad drew immediate backlash from Trump’s allies, prompting the speaker to quickly pivot and run a fundraising email asserting that “Trump is the STRONGEST opponent to Biden!” Politico reported.

In attempting to return his comments, however, McCarthy may have dug into a deeper hole with the former president. He crucially neglected to secure Trump’s permission before running the fundraiser, prompting the Trump camp to demand he takes it down.

McCarthy has not endorsed Trump in the 2024 Republican primary, which has generated considerable speculation about the future of the pair’s political relationship. Trump, for his part, backed McCarthy to help him claim the speaker’s gavel during a tense leadership struggle earlier this year.

McCarthy is already in hot water over his leadership of the US House over the budget, as he appeared to bend backward to assist Biden in screwing over Americans.

McCarthy drew the ire of War Room host Steve Bannon who slammed McCarthy and said that DC is like pigs in a feeding pin in an epic rant about the motivations of the DC elite:

These denunciation rallies of Trump and his supporters unfold this week; at the same time, a Wall Street Journal article appears about Sequoia Capital, which seems to expose the “open secret” ties between the financial firm and McCarthy and other politicians.

And the nervous and strange behavior by Ran and McCarthy could be happening as the funding group makes some significant changes:

“Sequoia Made a Fortune Investing in the U.S. and China. Then It Had to Pick One.

Scrutiny from Washington aggravated tensions within the venture-capital firm, fueling its decision to break up,” the WSJ headline read.

And that almost sounds like a threat to people who do not want their names outed as being connected to the group. That is how how Communists play.

Sequoia is definitely connected to the Chinese Communist Party, according to media reports.

According to the Economist:

Neil Shen has god-like status in the Chinese private equity industry. The lead dealmaker at Sequoia China placed big, early bets on some of the country’s most successful technology companies, such as Meituan, a delivery super-app, and Pinduoduo, an e-commerce giant. Now Mr Shen’s investment firm plans to go alone, dropping the Sequoia name and eventually severing all connections with its Silicon Valley parent.

On June 6th, Sequoia Capital, a 51-year-old stalwart of the venture-capital industry, announced it would split into separate American, Chinese, and Indian businesses. Sequoia China has operated with a high degree of autonomy for a while, with Mr. Shen calling most of the shots. So has Sequoia’s Indian and South-East Asian business, led by Shailendra Singh.

By March 2024, the entities will no longer share investors or returns, as they have done for years. The Chinese branch will be known as HongShan, the Mandarin word for redwood. Sequoia says the split is part of a “local-first” approach designed for a world where it has become “increasingly complex to run a decentralised global investment business.”

So who was getting these shared returns before now?

Here is the connection, according to Costello, who earlier slammed Kerry for making money on foreign companies- and who named McCarthy and then Mike Turner:

Costello sounded off about the same Sequoia Caitial situation that the WSJ wrote about and brought in Turner and hinted at a cover-up that would hide who else in DC is getting paid off by the CCP through something called the “Chinese Victory Fund.”

He dropped more names of Democrats who were aligned with covering up Sequoia’s activity – and added that they were also the same people who were behind numerous schemes to get Trump out of the White House:

During an appearance on Wednesday, Costello dropped enough bombastic information about the situation that Bannon suggested that Costello get “bodyguards” for protection.

Watch here as the two talks about Sequoia China and a cover-up:

Here is what is out there about the CCP-linked firm:

No U.S. venture capital firm has produced more investment gains from China or navigated Beijing’s difficult political landscape better than Sequoia Capital. But as tensions rise between the two countries and the U.S. increasingly restricts cross-border investments, Sequoia Capital’s close ties to the Chinese government may become a liability, according to The, who added that Sequoia Capital China had influence with Beijing, because the firm employed Wang Xisha, who is the daughter of Wang Yang.

Yang is one of seven members of the Communist Party’s powerful Politburo Standing Committee and is believed to be a future premier of the country.

So China has their own Father-Child ‘pay for play’ scheme like the Bidens do in the US.

In early June, just as the US was getting bombarded with facts about Biden’s bribes from the CCP, financial news outlets, like, reported that the venture capital firm was facing some major changes:

Sequoia Capital is splitting its investment business into three parts, including a stand-alone China unit, amid the complexities associated with running “a decentralized global investment business.”

The venture capital firm said in a news release posted Tuesday on Twitter that it will “fully embrace our local-first approach,” and will move to “completely independent partnerships” in China, India, and the U.S. and Europe by March 31, 2024. Each will have a distinct brand.

That is a very interesting announcement for Globalists. Something is definitely happening with this story. Stay tuned for more.