Sinola Cartel Exploits Open Borders Spreads Deadly Fentanyl, and They Have Overwhelmed Law Enforcement

Explosive testimony by a former DEA agent has laid bare the fact that the United States is in a dire emergency and no one in the Democrat administration of Joe Biden cares- in fact they appear to want more and more and more of the dangers that their open borders have allowed.

Watch former DEA Derek Maltz agent blast the lazy government:

And Maltz’s testimony is compounded by the fact that the DEA has admitted vicious and deadly drug cartels have a massive army of people who others have testified are intentionally spreading lethal drugs in the US.


Here is how it fits together:


July 13, 2023


George S. Papadopoulos, who was appointed as DEA Principal Deputy Administrator, effective July 4, 2023 and served as the principal assistant to the DEA Administrator and leads an agency of nearly 10,000 public servants who work in DEA’s 334 offices across the globe, according to his Bio told the US House Committee that day the drug cartels know precisely what they are doing:

“We have evidence in some of the previous cases I mentioned, where the cartels knew that there was deadly fentanyl, that the amount of fentanyl that they were sending to us was deadly because they tested it on human beings in Mexico—and they still sent it anyway. As Mr. Chester was saying, these are not mixed in labs. They’re not sterile. We’ve seen pills with less than a milligram of fentanyl, all the way up to eight milligrams of fentanyl. The average dose is 2.4 milligrams, and two milligrams is considered a potentially deadly dose.”

According to July 13 press statement from the House Committee on Border Security- things are getting worse on the Southern Border:

This week, the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border Security and Enforcement, led by Chairman Clay Higgins (R-LA), held a hearing with Biden administration witnesses to examine the role of Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs), mainly Mexican drug cartels, in trafficking illicit fentanyl into the United States. This hearing began the second phase of the House Committee on Homeland Security’s full-scale oversight investigation into Secretary Mayorkas’ failure to secure our borders. Witness testimony was provided by Kemp Chester, the Senior Advisor to the Director of National Drug Control Policy; Steven Cagen, the Assistant Director of the Countering Transnational Organized Crime Division at Homeland Security Investigations; James Mandryck, the Deputy Assistant Commissioner at the Office of Intelligence, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), George Papadopoulos, the Principal Deputy Administrator at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and Tyrone Durham, the Director of the Nation-State Threats Center at the Office of Intelligence and Analysis. 

In the hearing, witnesses confirmed that TCOs in Mexico successfully smuggled mass quantities of deadly illicit fentanyl past Border Patrol agents and CBP Officers and into the United States. Not only are cartels smuggling on land, but they are now trafficking fentanyl and other drugs using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) or drones. Amid this administration’s historic border crisis and Secretary Mayorkas’ dereliction of duty, cartels have been able to reap billions of dollars in profits to increase their capabilitiesleaving our nation’s dedicated Border Patrol agents at a disadvantage in the field.

The Opening statement was chilling, watch:



The testimony at the hearing went on and on- displaying the danger we are in:

In his second line of questioning, Subcommittee Chairman Higgins shared his experience as a law enforcement officer and received confirmation from a witness that federal law enforcement is only able to seize about a quarter of the deadly fentanyl trafficked into communities across America by cartels in Mexico:

“As we consider the volume seized, which is an unprecedented amount, you guys are pretty much seizing everything you have operational capability to seize. And it’s an incredible job that you’re doing. […] The volume that you have right now, there’s so much out there—a drug dealer told me last year, he said, ‘We have so much fentanyl, we’re giving it away.’ It’s why people are dying. They want their product to be more popular on the streets, making it heavier. […] He said that they abandon volumes of fentanyl if they are going to cross state lines, if they’re moving operation to another state, because it’s so much cheaper to replace the fentanyl than it is to risk interstate trafficking. So you’re seizing unbelievable volumes of fentanyl, but how does that volume compare with what, in your estimation, would be the total you’re seizing, 25%, 50%, 15%?”

Mr. Mandryck answered:

“The challenge with something like fentanyl is it being synthetic—there’s no agriculture-based place to get an initial estimate. So unlike cocaine or marijuana, where we can kind of do an oversight to see general cultivation estimates, we can’t do that with synthetics like fentanyl or methamphetamine. When we look at it holistically from an intelligence perspective, it’s probably within that 25% mark based off demand.”

Read the full statement