SITREP: Huge Mass of Fighting Age Men From Syria Are Past the Border- Biden’s National Security Threat in Face of Hamas Attacks

Ben Bergquam reported a shocking situation, even for people who have been following the details of the illegal invasion over our Southern Border, as fighting-age men from around the world are being treated to comfortable travel assistance by our US Border Patrol under Democrat Joe Biden.

This is especially concerning seeing the escalating violence all over the world as a result of illegal invasions, including what is happening in Israel over the last two day.

Yet here we are- assisting people to break into our country.

In Bergquam’s footage, men are being processed very kindly and assisted with their luggage as they are escorted into the country- where they will be released with no knowledge of who they are or where they are going.

Here is what Bergquam wrote:

This just happened minutes ago! More breaking exclusive footage from Lukeville, Arizona. With the attacks we just saw in Israel what I’m seeing on the border is even more concerning. Please share and help wake up America to this national security threat being brought in by Joe Biden and the Democrats! “Law & Border” Real America’s Voice News

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This photo was taken from Ben’s footage as these men were being assisted to break into our country from Syria.

Here is what Bergquam reported from the video above:

All right, guys. Back in Lukeville, Arizona, we broke the story a couple of months ago about how this area has become the new crossing point for illegals. We’ve had reporters down here for the last couple of months who tell us that the invasion here has been continuous.

I just came back down. What I see is that we’ve got mostly West Africans here. You have people from India, people from Egypt. Still, for whatever reason, the Cartels have moved a huge number of people to this area out the middle of nowhere, Arizona, all coming through here, on this spot,” Ben said, then you hear a man talking to him and his camera point to the ground.

“So I’m asking if you’re welcome to film what you want to just do it from the street,” the man says to Bergquam.

“What about here?” Bergquam asks the man.  

“It’s only for border patrol,” the man answers.

“You can tell Border Patrol are so frustrated. They want this to be recorded. So I went up and I was able to get some really close-up footage of these guys. Unfortunately, we had somebody from the national parks come out and tell me that this was a closed-off location, and that press is not allowed to be as close as I was. I had to move over here, across the road. So apparently, only illegals can be on that part of our national park,” Bergquam said pointing to the area under the text where a huge group of men were standing.

“Those are all fighting-age men. Border Patrol said that 500 today came through today- so it is a big day, and they said the new location where people were coming from.

I was told some of the men here are from Syria.

So they have come to Lukeville, Arizona, from Syria. At least 150 right now, Fighting age men. They said they took the women and children earlier. They prioritized them, but it’s ..It’s really bad. Is no other way to put it, it’s just really bad.

Biden and Mayorkas did this and they are not doing anything to stop it. 

I’m gonna head down to where they’re coming across and see if we have any more groups coming or if we can get more intel on what they’re leaving behind on the border sponsored in part by patriot mobile, use promo code for Real America’s Voice RAV. 

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