Surveillance State Here! While DC is ‘Falling in Love with the Siren Song of the CCP’ [War Room Digest]

Opening scenes of Thursday’s War Room program showed riots in New York City at a Tree lighting ceremony as Steve Bannon, host of the War Room, talked about the Sharia Supremists Global movement powered by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), who, along with other players like Iran, want to reestablish the Ottoman empire for purposes of domination and control- and that involves controlling the United States of America.

Bannon’s guests supported his ideas, especially when Anthony Aguerro described 23 Mulsim countries, which he has recorded as represented by illegal invaders at the border as they come over the highly combative Lukeville AZ port of entry.

So the fight is real, Bannon makes a lot of sense, and by the end of the week, Bannon has illustrated why he felt the conflict with Hamas was so important to view with the same ‘Sharia Supremacists’ lens.

Bannon explained that uprisings around the world over, in his opinion, with “Gaza” were really about Sharia dominance- showing the axis of evil that threatens the USA and the 2024 elections.

The Sharia Supremists have a collective problem, however, which is that an awakened, energized, and active War Room audience, the Real America’s Voice Platform- which stands as Marshalls to save the American Republic- broadcast highly important mobilizing programming not seen anywhere else, with the addition of Charlie Kirk, Turning Point USA, and Jack Psobeic Human events, and their combined audiences.

And so the MAGA movement stands in the way, which is why the axis of evil and domination is using lawfare, such as trying to remove President Trump from statewide ballots, and other passive-aggressive attempts to destroy supporters of President Trump with threats, intimidation, and a fully weaponized government.

Bannon had guests over the three days who proved that the polling shows that they simply can not beat Trump at the ballot box- so the civil battles are in full swing less than one year away from election day 2024.

This set of shows addresses the problems MAGA faces and is part of the plan to demolish the power the ‘Deep-State/Admin State/ Sharia/CCP” -axis of evil, have that threatens Global liberty and freedom.



SIGNAL: Where are the people to protect Western Civilization? Bannon talked about the need for people to be seen in public condemning Sharia Supremism and seeing who was on which ‘side of the football’, as he called on Muslims to come forward and condemn the violent movement. He called on DC not to reject the ‘siren song’ of the CCP, who are seducing our lawmakers and the defenders of liberty, because our very existence is in jeopardy as he sees it.

Here is what Bannon repeated over three days, which are “Republic Ending” issues that face MAGA:

  1. Debt
  2. Lawfare

Lawfare, he said he believes, can be reversed, but the debt can not be, which is why he said he focuses on debt as a topic a little bit more, adding he is considering the lawfare of progressive activist attorney Marc Elias.

About the people who aid these ‘Republic ending” actions, “they are listening to the Siren songs of the CCP,” Bannon said. “Where are the Muslim groups coming forward to say they are not pushing for the domination of American life?” Bannon asked.

“it is going to end in tears, but not for us. We will not buckle down to Shaira Supremacy,” Bannon said. “Your silence is deafening, but you are not and won’t. You have been cowardly by the worst elements of Islamic Jihad, and they are violent people.

The elevation of the Sharia Supremacy movement is taking different forms- including in our elections, which is why what is happening in Israel is important to our elections.

BANNON IDed SIGNAL: The Felony story, out of AZ, Bannon said he believes is about Marc Elias- who is going to use Lawfare to intimidate and then steal the election and he called it ‘the kick-off to the election’.

GUESTS: Guest Sonny Borrelli, Senator for the state of AZ, talked about the Felony charges over questioning the 2020 election. Mark Fincham and Colton Moore joined in on Thursday.

Cleo Paskal, The Sunday Guardian, talked about her recent article about Japan and the importance of funding an island chain that has to do with the protection of the United States. Cleo

Ed Martin-Montore Doctrine, which he says how we should function in international affairs, slamming John Kerry for saying we are citizens of the world. Monore Doctrine is the root of the America First movement. He brought up Kissinger on the Couch.

Bannon talked about CPAC in Japan.

“Elites in this country are about managed decline and we need that evil empire time- thinking again, where we win- they lose,” Bannon said.


Bannon talked about biological weapons of COVID and Fentanyl and the Tech control over the Government.

Monroe Doctrine and what it means for kinetic conflicts. Now, they are pushing to end funding for Israel because of the suspicion that Israel knows about the Hamas attack.

“It is impossible that they didn’t know about these attacks,” Bannon said, “This issue is not just about Israel it is about hair, and that is why this is happening in Europe. War against the West and the “Sociopathic Overlords.

Guest Naomi Wolf talked about Pfizer, the consumer side, and lawsuits. With Ken Paxton

Bannon talked about the important role of the War Room in preventing Paxton from being impeached.

Guest Eric Burlson MO Senator, talked about the Santos precedent and about putting pressure on the Speaker, forcing the house into bad votes. “if the speaker is not going to come forward and say NO to the Senate, we are going to say No for him, and that means violation the norms and vote down the rules, and go to the border.”

“If they bring Ukraine to the floor, we are going to spend weeks at the border- ot has to be fixed before we start talking about blowing money in Ukraine,” Burlson told Bannon.

Bannon was supportive of Burlson’s plan, saying that it was like “Revolutionary times when backbenchers started coming forward and standing up.”

Bannon talked about the focus of the Israel-Hamas conflict again as the rise of Sharia law, and focused on that for a segment and his ideas of the emerging surveillance state, which he believes is connected to the COVID-19 vaccine.

He talked about how DC is talking about entitlements- and the problem, as he sees it, is the mentality behind the spending, not the entitlements- in discussions about government spending.

Project 2024, in his opinion, is to make sure Democrats can not steal the election- and that leads into Trump’s Iowa Speech- which Bannon says is the American Cincanatus- that Trump is coming back and the speech will outline that concept.

Bannon said that according to a tweet, votes are canceled for Monday- Jake Sherman Punch Bowl- which he believes proves McCarthy was behind talking Santos out.

Patriot Mobile founders talked about their product and their movement for the”Red Economy”.


Saturday’s cold open was a clip from Corporate media discrediting polling, then James. Carvel is freaking out about Christian Nationalism.

Bannon focused on the Monroe Doctrine, which, according to the History Channel, is:

The Monroe Doctrine, first outlined in a speech to Congress in 1823, had President James Monroe warning European powers to not attempt further colonization, military intervention or other interference in the Western Hemisphere, stating that the United States would view any such interference as a potentially hostile act. Over the centuries, the Monroe Doctrine policy has become a cornerstone of U.S. diplomatic and military policies.

Earlier in the week, Bannon told his audience about a continuing theme; here are the three top issues in his 2024 ‘issue set,’ according to Bannon:

  1. Debt Crisis-Government needs to fix their spending.
  2. Loss of Sovereignty and closing the border.
  3. Geopolitics is giving the US Government opportunities for money laundering.

So now the multipronged plan to address these issues begins.

Bannon’s guests confirmed that from their expertise, there are actionable moves in these three areas where a Populist movement could make still to reform the dark places our nation has fallen into.

The caveat: The people must be brave and dedicated to making changes and understand issues in detail. We must not fall into the traps and gimmicks of ‘Bidenonmics‘, and we need to stay focused on American First sovereignty and independence.

FAN PICK HIGHLIGHT, Steve Bannon: The Establishment Believes MAGA’s “More Dangerous Than The Most Dangerous Terrorists” :

Bannon’s guests pushed back on that lie from the media about our traditional American values.

Deconstructing the administrative state, which is the group responsible for creating tyranny in the US, and doing that by using digital minds and AI, corrupt policies, and media smears= fighting that, like Jesus fights Satan in the book of Mark, is the focus of the War Room action.

Here we go, my brave patriots; let’s annoy the establishment and inform ourselves here is the fight, Bannon: “This Is The Beginning Of The Kinetic Conflict Of The Sharia-Supremacists Backed By The CCP” :

This digest is fan-generated from content found on Bannon’s War Room Rumble Channel. For official coverage of the War Room, the Aps, articles, and shows by dates- and Merch- go to


MSNBC canceled Medai Hassan

Zerohedge article – CCP Purchase of Gold-and understanding BRICS important because it is the Geopolitical ‘South” which is one of Bannon’s ‘issue sets’

AP Article about Felonies against AZ Commissioners

@PeoplesPundit Richard Baris Rust Belt Polling First Hour Monday

TWEET from Jon Karl about funding and support behind Nikki Haley’s candidacy and what he called “Republic ending numbers,” 10:25 numbers, and math.

The Brink, the movie Bannon had a starring role in, he talked about at the top of the second hour Tuesday.

Debt Clock is an ongoing reference

Seamafor is a site Bannon recommends for news

Biden’s Executive Order

Jamie Dimon article about Democrats supporting Nikki Haley

The Gospel of Mark, Bannon mentioned in the second hour of Wednesday


Phone AP by Grace Chong: Bill Blaster

Presidential Transition Team Training by Heritage: Project 25 Discussed Mon

Book by Kash Patel: Government Gangsters Discussed Monday

Polling by Richard Baris: MAGA Coalition was Discussed on Tues, and Rust Belt was discussed on Monday

Movie about Clarence Thomas: Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words Discussed by Wed.

Twitter Thread: Marco Polo pictorial directories of Government Civil Servants Discussed by Garrett Ziegler Wed.

Study on Vaccines: Research in the Public Interest – discussed by Dr. Malone Wed.


Getting low-propensity Trump voters to get out and vote is the first call to action

Watch Marc Elias and his tactics to grab hold of the election away from Trump.

Voters need to understand the National Debt is rising out of control.

US Congress needs to support elections in Tiwain.

Understand AI, the executive order Eric Schmidt’s role, and how the US Government uses AI to create a State Capitalism like the CCP.

BIG END OF THE WEEK..BIG HIGHLIGHT- Ric Grenell: “When the left and these big government types see AI they wanna operationalize it”:

War Room is seen on Real America’s Voice Monday – Friday 10 AM – 12 PM and 5 PM- 6 PM EST and 6 PM – 7 PM M-F on Frank Speech. Steve Bannon can be found on GETTR. War Room archives can be found on Rumble.

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