Ben Bergquam from Real America’s Voice got an up-close view of the exploitation of humanity by the demonic United Nations again, this week. Here is what he told his audience:
Virtue signaling at its worst from Costa Rica. #UnitedNations#BidenBorderInvasion#TrumpWasRight “Law & Border” Real America’s Voice News @RealAmVoice Sponsored by promo code: RAV And for satellite communication when the grid goes down. Be prepared and support companies that support your values,” Bergquam posted as he headed back on the road again to investigate what is driving people from homes on a mass migration around the world.

Bergquam talked to a man from Africa in the video. Here is what Bergquam said about his experience seeing the United Nations exploit humanity:
Like, we see everywhere. Everywhere, this trafficking is happening, all being driven by the United Nations by the globalists by the Great Reset or World Economic Forum. It’s all tied together all -globalist communist leftists -driving this mass illegal migration across the world to destroy the Western world.
It’s reparations, it’s redistribution of wealth. It’s recolonization all being brought to you by these organizations that pretend to care about the people, as they let the people die in the jungle and on their way.
It is All exploitation and virtue signaling at its finest. They say- We’ll put a tarp up. We’ll put the United Nations logo on. and we will market it, we will brand ourselves, and we’ll let you sleep out on the ground.
That’s it pathetic, pathetic. Oh, but send us more money. So we can invite more people to do this. So they can die in the jungle and get raped in the jungle and get robbed in the jungle, get trafficked, and stolen from.
Send us more money. That’s the United Nations, they are evil demons.
And like we see everywhere. Everywhere, this traffic is happening.