The World Needs Trump Back! Blistering Report from the UN-Democrat Migration Path [VIDEO]

Ben Bergquam, the host of Law and Border, and Oscar El Blue Ramirez, founder of Border Network News, appeared on the War Room on Saturday with Steve Bannon to expose the sinister mindset of the left, who have created a disgraceful set of policies that have damaged everyone involved- except for the Drug Cartels and nonprofit groups who are making money by displacing people from their homelands.

Bergquam slammed the Democrats in Washington DC, telling Bannon:

“They are destroying these countries. It is the definition of Treason. People are dying. They do not give a damn about these people. It is all about Globalization, and all of this takes over every Western society,” Bergquam told Bannon.

Bergquam and El Blue have been reporting live from the jungles of Panama, investigating the cause of the migration and the consequences of a massive humanitarian crisis, and reporting what the mainstream media would not cover.

“They need to stop giving money to the United Nations,” Ramirez told Bannon. “We must get out of the Global Compact on Migration and stop destroying the continent.”

We have covered the United Nations Global Compact on Migration and the consequences:

Bergquam reported to Bannon about the recent tragic details of the broken lives he had seen, the dead and dying people who could not make the trek after being lied to about how easy it would be.

“These people are being enticed to do this, and then the UN and Democrats do not care about them,” Bergquam told Bannon, even showing the evidence of one man who worked with the UN to help them, who was abandoned by the group- as if they could not have cared less about the problems of migration they are creating.

Bannon was moved by the comments of the Afghan men who discussed their support of Trump. Of all places, men were fleeing their homes, saying that the world needed Trump back in the White House.

“It is tragic that this is happening,” Bannon said.


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