Touché Jackson: Black Progressive Roland Martin Attacks Tim Scott’s Presidential Announcement

Our good friend, Conservative Raynard Jackson, President of Black Americans for a Better Future, displayed his superior command of media and of politics over leftist media personality Roland Martin- again. It is becoming a pattern. It is hard not to notice. Jackson brutalized Martin’s ideology about Black Conservatives after Martin went into a false attack on Scott over his historic Presidential exploratory committee.

“Tim Scott is not going to ever get above 2% in any poll,” Martin said, without explaining why he was bothering to freak out about him possibly running for POTUS then.

Martin was obviously just trying to get Scott into a defensive position.

Enter Jackson, who started out with an explosive, running attack on Martin- in the form of a stinging rebuke of Martin’s proclivity to promote, defend and enable disastrous progressive Democrats and their destructive policies- which is sure to be a huge issue going all the way into the 2024 Presidential election.

Jackson, who guards minority small business owners with his work, wants more economic opportunities for Black Americans and all Americans, which is why he is a Conservative and defends Scott’s work.

Jackson has told Martin before that it is Democrat policies that create a dependence on the government, which Jackson says damages more Black Americans and their economic future than anything or anyone else does.

The two men just can not agree on politicians for that reason, Jackson’s theme does not fit Martin’s worldview.

When Martin went after US Senator Tim Scott’s announcement of a Presidential exploratory Committee, Jackson dragged his old trump card, one that he had never played before, resurfacing an old story that Martin and Jackson had kept quiet- Jackson had already saved Martin’s career once before when Martin made stupid comments.

Martin made a video as a prelude to an attack and trashed Scott’s announcement over and over:

Then Jackson responded and dragged out the truth about Martin:

Here is Jackson’s piece titled “Radical Black Liberals Like Roland Martin Have No Answers to Real Black Conservatives”.

( After more than three decades of involvement at the highest levels of the Republican Party and the conservative movement, I am still amazed that radical Black liberals like Roland Martin have no answers to “real” Black conservatives like me and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott.

Roland is a Democrat operative that constantly sucks up to his Democrat overseers in his attempt to gain their approval and ultimately some of their money.  I want him to make money, but not at the expense of his dignity!

For years Martin self-identified as a journalist, without evidence before he finally came out of the closet and showed that he was a low-level Democrat operative who was willing to sell his soul for a couple pieces of silver.

I have known Martin for decades and consider him a friend, but after his vulgar attack on my friend Sen. Scott, I could no longer hold my peace.

In my many years of operating in this town, I have helped save and salvage many people’s careers, Black and White, Democrat and Republican.  These people have been some of the most powerful and influential people in sports, entertainment, politics and business.

I never, ever; and I mean never talk about the behind-the-scenes power moves I have made to help others.  But this is the first and probably the last time I will ever make an exception to my own self-imposed vows of secrecy!

During the Super Bowl of 2012, Martin tweeted, “Ain’t no real bruhs going to H&M to buy some damn David Beckham underwear! …If a dude at your Super Bowl party is hyped about David Beckham’s H&M underwear ad, smack the sh@t out of him!… I bet soccer fan Piers Morgan will be in line at H&M in the morning to get his hands on David Beckham’s underwear line! LOL.”

This was in reference to a TV ad with soccer star David Beckham shown wearing nothing but his underwear.

This was a very innocuous tweet, but the homosexual community lost their minds and demanded that CNN fire Roland who was a paid Black jester for them.

No Blacks with a media platform or any standing within the Black community came to Roland’s defense other than me.  I did something then that I have never done since.  I wrote back-to-back columns supporting Martin.

My columns went viral very quickly and was published throughout the world, even in Africa.  Even Black Enterprise, the preeminent Black business publication ran my column.

Radical leftist rag, Huffington Post ran it.

Radio legend, Tom Joyner threw Roland under the bus.  Joyner wrote a letter on behalf of his homosexual massas demanding Martin bow down and apologize at the church alter of the alphabet people in order to get his job back at both CNN and on Joyner’s radio show.

And like a good servant, Roland bent over and complied!

I was later told by several of my executive friends at CNN, that my columns and my defense of Roland was part of their calculation in reinstating Roland back on the air.

When CNN decided to fire Roland a couple of years after his suspension, TV One also fired Roland from his weekly show on this Black owned TV network.

Today, no TV network will touch Roland because the homosexual community will not sign off on it.  That is why I advised Roland not to bow down to them by apologizing.  They will never forgive a person no matter what they do, especially a Black male.

Since no network would employ him, Roland started his on digital show, Roland Martin Unfiltered.

His show is a filthy, raunchy, foul-mouthed show that you cannot listen to in front of children.  His guests are very uninformed and constantly promote policies that are detrimental to the Black community.  This show is a true embarrassment to the Black community.

Fortunately, no one watches his show.  He has a very negligible viewership at best.

The show is like an opium factory because it produces the drug of radical liberal orthodoxy which has and continues to devastate the Black community.

So, when I came across his foul mouth screed against Sen. Scott, I was compelled to speak out (click on the link to watch it).

Martin could not refute Scott with any facts, so he did what radical liberals do best—ad hominin attacks.  Scott has been an extremely positive force in the U.S. Senate, as well as within America.

He is the true embodiment of the American dream and his video released last week announcing his exploratory committee was very well done.  As one who makes his living in the world of communications, I could not find one thing I would have changed if I did the video; it was inspirational, aspirational, and biographically compelling.

Even Democrat South Carolina political legend, Jim Clyburn has nothing but positive things to say about Scott, despite their political differences.

I really do not think Roland is intentionally trying to hurt the Black community; but the end result is that he is one of the biggest drug dealers in the U.S.

He is pushing the drug of radical liberalism for his overseers, the Democrat Party.  Radical liberalism is the singular biggest reason for all the negative pathologies in the Black community; from crime, out of wedlock birthrates, the celebration of the “ghetto-fabulous lifestyle, the rejection of God in their lives, and the radical homosexual agenda, etc.

White radical liberals command their sycophants like Martin, Joy Reid, Don Lemon, Al Sharpton, Marc Morial, Derrick Johnson, to blame everything bad in the Black community on racism and slavery and people like me and Sen. Scott.

People like us are the most dangerous threat to radical liberalism, people who think for themselves and refuse to be told what their values should be.

Slavery and its vestiges are not holding back Blacks from participating in the American dream; it is radical liberalism.

Tim Scotts pending presidential campaign is the most dangerous threat to the radical Black elites in this country.

Blacks do not need to be persuaded to be conservative, Blacks are the definition of conservative.  Radical liberal media like CNN and MSNBC will not show credible Black conservatives and conservative media does not know how to show credible Black conservatives.

Scott’s presidential campaign will do for Black conservatism what Jesse Jackson’s two failed presidential campaigns in 1984 and 1988 did for radical Black liberals—open up many doors of opportunity for “real” Black conservatives to rise to the top of the conservative movement.

Scott’s campaign will be the face and the voice of “real” Black conservatism and will show the Republican Party how to effectively reengage with the Black community in a true partnership that will usher in a realignment of how Blacks utilize their precious votes going forward.

So, Roland, as your friend, I implore you to stop being used by your white elite radical liberal overseers to destroy your own community.

They count on people like you to make personal attacks on people like me and Sen. Scott because they know if they tried to do it, they would be called racists.”

There it is… Jackson made contact.

Jackson’s group, Black Americans for a Better Future, is about economic prosperity for the Black Community- and he continues to defend the economic policies of President Donald J. Trump, which includes the opportunity zones of Scott.

Jackson, whose theory it is that the Democrats are chasing Black men to the Republican Party, spoke to War Room host Steve Bannon ahead of the 2022 midterms about his predictions regarding Black Voters:

Going back a little further:

Jackson and Martin have known each other for a long time, and jabbed at each other after Jackson’s historic 2020 visit to see President Donald J. Trump at the White House, where Jackson made statements about Black media damaging Black Americans- and Martin was not at all pleased.

This is how Martin reacted then:

Here is more on Jackson’s point of view:

Our past coverage: