Treason! ‘Migrants Have More Rights’ Mayor Says-Watch Law And Border

Ben Bergquam, the host of Law and Border on Real America’s Voice, has been reporting exclusively on the massive toll on the United States of America due to Democrat Joe Biden’s invasion of our Southern Border.

Bergquam’s reporting is significantly courageous because Biden and his administration often attempt to hide the details of what is happening in the closest towns to the border so  Americans will stay complacent before the 2022 election in November- never expecting that every American town is a “border town” under Biden.

While Bergquam’s recent reports are about Texas, these stories should be viewed as a warning about what will unfold deeper into the country as well, as Ben has uncovered people are being moved around the country- possibly to strategic places, for a ‘Democrat motive’.

See the photos, and listen as a local Mayor describes what he says is treason by Biden:

“Happening now: Another day and another load of illegals in Uvalde, TX thanks to Joe Biden hand the open borders left! This invasion has to stop and those responsible need to be held accountable!” Bergquam reported with some photos of a traffic stop.

“Schools had to lock down 48 times because of illegal alien bailouts in the small town of Uvalde Texas. This is what Democrat open border policies does to small communities! With Uvalde, TX Mayor Don McLaughlin, “Bergquam reported.

“Is this treason?”
“Most definitely,”
Uvalde, TX Mayor Don McLaughlin. Small communities are being overrun by an invasion that DC politicians have created. They are breaking the law and their oath of office. Mainstream media is silent, but America needs to hear this!”

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