America First? No! Democrats Want Migrants First, And Food For The Elites

It is time for Americans to fully embrace what the Democrats stand for they are elitists, and they do not place any value or priority on Americans, and that is just a fact. For all Democrats who claim otherwise- ask them what this story, from the Hill, represents:

Multiple House Democrats on Friday criticized House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (N.Y.) after she issued a tweet blasting the White House for sending baby formula to migrant families at the southern border amid a nationwide shortage.

“Joe Biden continues to put America LAST by shipping pallets of baby formula to the southern border as American families face empty shelves. This is unacceptable. American mothers and their babies shouldn’t suffer because of the #BidenBorderCrisis,” Stefanik tweeted Friday morning.

Stefanik gave birth to a baby boy last August, and earlier in the week she said on Fox News that she could imagine “no more harrowing crisis for parents” than struggling to feed their children.

Her implication that the formula shipments should be cut off for migrant families, however, crossed the line for many Democrats.

“So @EliseStefanik what are exactly are you asking here? Do we just starve these babies?” Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) wrote on Twitter. “The parents are locked up they can’t go shop for an alternative. So you are asking for the government to deliberately starve children? It’s gross, it’s anti-American to even think that.”

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) also accused Stefanik of calling for starving children.

Think about that… but starving American babies doesn’t even register in the Democrat’s mind. In fact Swalwell made up a childish attack on Stefanik:

Did you check out what Swalwell is doing in his new Twitter photo- feeding a baby.. that is how childish he is.

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