Biden’s Migrant Plan:’Trucks Stuffed With Illegals, Highways Littered With Dead Bodies’

If it weren’t for Real America’s Voice Ben Bergquam who is willing to risk his personal safety to bring us the real details of the migrant problem at our Southern Border from validated sources, we might not understand the depths of depravity that is happening right now.

There seems to be a desperate push to get as many people here to the border, as fast as possible- but why?

Bergquam has interviewed top law enforcement officials on both sides of the border and has a network of investigative journalists in Mexico who are reading him to uncover the most shocking details of Democrat Joe Biden’s plan for America’s invasion.

Bergquam uncovered migrant camps near the US Southern Border- overflowing with people from all over the third world- who are awaiting word of when Biden lifts Title 42- giving the gathered migrants permission to come into the US= illegally and make their way around our country.

In this video- Bergquam discusses how those migrants are getting to their migrant camps- in stuffed Semis. According to Bergquam’s sources- some people die from this inhumane process.

The migrants are coming from all over the world, and are often not carrying ID- or have disposed their IDs, so they can not be questioned about their past.

In other words- we don’t know who these people are, or why they want to come into our country.

Bergquam and his team had to exit the area quickly because they were told people who were identified as Mexican Drug Cartels had spotted them.