Bannon’s War Room Daily Digest, Nov. 1, ‘Where is the Money Coming from to Fund Foreign Wars?’

Things are going to be intense with the battles on the Hill over funding, Steve Bannon exposed on his Nov. 1st War Room program that what he calls the Administrative State is ignoring the destruction of the United States in favor of harming their political opponents- with talk of concerns about MAGA- because they are the ones who want to preserve the powers of the US Constitution and individual liberty.

BANNON’S SIGNAL [0:15:00] EXPLODING NATIONAL DEBT AND HOW DC IS FINANCING WAR AND INVASION: Bannon says he is focused on “1.6 Trillion in spending and the increase in illegal invaders”.

The Convergence Of The Financing And Border Crises:



Oscar El Blue Ramirez [23:00] talked about his explosive footage of illegal invaders of a massive caravan and their migration path and which NGOs and groups are paying for the buses that are moving the people.

Mike Davis [40:00] Talked about the crazy hypocrisy of what the FBI is doing.


Jeff Clark [1:13:00] Talked about Center for Renewing America- “administrative state has been dragging the United States down since the 1880’s”.

John O’Shea [1:22:00] running against Texas Rep. Kay Granger who is now not running for re-election because of her “MAGA” opponent.

Tent Staggs [1:28:00] running against Mitt Romney who is now not running for re-election in UTAH because of his ‘MAGA” opponent.

WAR ROOM BOSS: [1:41:00] Grace Chong talked about her the Bill Blaster ap and War Room Newsletter.


Treasury announcement

Secret negotiations leaked about Peacekeepers

New York Times when Trump takes over in 2025 (Bannon says that this is the most important article of the day)

14th Amendment

Article about CBO and offset of using IRS funds

Daily Beast mocking Mike Johnson

Bill Blaster Ap has a daily newsletter with the footage and notes from the show.

COLD OPEN (Bannon says is absurd rhetoric):

The show opened with a Morning Joe clip with the two hosts talking about the rising conflict between Israel and Gaza, claiming that there was too much confusion about the conflict to say “who is doing what to whom”. The second clip was of US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) begging for money for an expanding war – saying that there should be emergency money.

Scenes of men crying out to ‘Allah’ as they dig through the rubble of buildings that had fallen, and segued back into Morning Joe talking about antisemitism and how the US House should approach funding to Ukraine and Israel.

“If the United States doesn’t support us, we are in real trouble fighting the Russians,” one Morning Joe guest said, claiming that America needs to send Ukraine more funding.

Then back to Mika talking about the change in leadership at the US House, calling the process ‘sloppy’, labeling the new speaker “Maga Mike Johnson’ and crying about the “one person complaint to vacate”, which both Morning Joe and Mika feel is connected to funding for Ukraine, which obviously is a leading concern for the show.

Back to Lindsey Graham, talking about civilian causalities. “The goal is to destroy Hamas,” Graham said to a news host, who asked him how long there would be a war. “I don’t know,” Graham said and then talked about having dinner with the “Saudis”, adding there needs to be a plan, “by the world” of what to do in the region.

GUEST [0:23:00] Oscar El Blue Ramirez talked about the footage he has taken and his investigations into the illegal invasion of the United States. Ramirez told the story of how organized crime is growing at the border while the Biden administration knows about these problems.

[0:29:00] Bannon and Ramirez talked about the understanding Migrants had about the open borders and feeling as if they are invited into the US for free amnesty and avoiding our laws and how it impacts the world.

“This is what is going to destory the country,” Bannon said, “this is historic” he added, reminding viewers that President Trump will deport the invaders.

[0:32:00] “Anyone who doesn’t back the fight that the War Room is involved with is part of the problem,” Bannon said.

[0:36:00] Footage showing FBI Director Christopher Wray talking to Rick Scott about growing concern over terrorism (domestic terrorists), yet saying he is not tracking terrorists at the foreign terrorists.

The FBI is focused on things they should not be focused on. Everything out of Wray’s mouth is a lie. They are focused on Jan. 6th. Trump’s supporters and we could get hit with a mass casualty crisis.

[0: 40:00] Mike Davis appeared to talk about how the FBI is focused on harming Trump supporters and not on the border where dangerous and violent people are coming into the United States.

“These guys are inflitrated at the Southern border by the Muslim Brotherhood and the CCP,” Bannon said, adding why the danger for the US is escalating.

[0:42:00] Davis and Bannon talked about what Bannon says is a “sham show trial in Denver to get President Trump off the ballot” the growing dangers of escalating antisemitism in the country and who in the government is ignoring official statements about the problem.

[0:45:00] Davis talked about Democrats ‘throwing a hail Mary through the 14th amendment’ because they can not beat him and the show trials to remove him off the ballot.

“Has President Trump been convicted of insurrection?” Bannon asked, rhetorically- because he has not been convicted of any such thing.

[0:53:00]Bannon broke into a conversation about the lawfare against Trump to say that the Congressional Budget Office was talking about the IRS bringing in 26 Billion dollars, so they claim the spending is an offset.

David went on to analyze more lawfare facing Trump.

[0:59:00] Bannon talked about the New York Times article and the powerful use of federal appointees, which will be a hallmark of Trump’s next administration.

Episode 3143: The Start To The End Of Your Country

[1:04:00] Bannon talked about the New York Times article that shows the deconstration of the administrative state. Bannon highlighted the problems that face the average American because of an out-of-control government, contrasting with what the government is focused on. “All they do is steal,” Bannon said, highlighting why DC is full of lawyers. “We are going to have teams of lawyers who are fighters,” Bannon said to Davis, who agreed.

“We need peopel who know how to fight. President Trump has learned his lesson from the first term because Democrats play for keeps,” Davis said.

[1:08:00] Bannon talked about how ‘White Shoed law firms run DC. “This is a true, real-time profile in courage. We have too many Republican lawyers flinch because they will lose a chance to make a living. Even if they know we are right,” Bannon said.

“We need to make sure the ones who fold do not get into the White House,” Davis added.

“We need a large amount of lawyers in the 3000 federal appointtees to dismangle the administrative state and that is what article 3 is about. We need to change back with President Trump,” Davis said.

“In the past it was the Federalist Soceity and in the new MAGA is article three project,” Bannon said.

GUEST [1:13:00] Jeff Clark talked more about deconstructing the administrative state that is running DC, saying: “administrative state has been dragging the United States down since the 1880’s”

“I think the New York Time elites are afraid and are trying to prepare their readers about what we are doing in that article. They have gone through these leftist college universities and they don’t understand our theories about the Constutition, where we say the law is the law and we should follow it,” Cark said.

“We need to apply the Constitution as it is written, Clark said.

[1:20:00] Bannon talking about Daily Beast article mocking Speaker Mike Johnson.

GUEST [1:22:00] John O’Shea talked about his candidacy running against Kay Grainger. “We have a Speaker who cares more about the people than the donor class, and we need that. I wouldn’t have family members in giant NGOS and we need to get national security and spending under control,” O’Shea said.

GUEST [1:28:00] Trent Staggs running against US Rep. Mitt Romney who has said he will not run for reelection. We have one of the most generous states in donations and volunteerism, but we are seeing a need to separate between Ukraine’s and Israel’s spending. We are borrowing money to send to Ukraine. Mitt Romney has a billion dollars, he can pay,” Staggs said.

“This is the unmasking of DC. And they wont be able to spin this and lie about who they are anymore,” Bannon said.

[1:36:00] Bannon talked about Israel hitting a refugee camp and the bad PR that Israel is getting. “There was a study done about 2.2 million in text cities in Egypt who rejected them. We can not get sucked into paying for all of this esp. with the Treasruy department talking about so much more debt,” Bannon said.

[1:38:00] Bannon talked more about a balanced budget and the consent of the governed. “The political will is not there to pay for these things Talk to me to deporting 8 million people and Bensman says half a million more invaders are coming in per month,” Bannon said.

WAR ROOM BOSS: [1:40:00] Grace Chong talked about her new ap for corresponding with DC.

[1:43:00] Bannon talked about the AP and the War Room newsletter, how it is used, and how it helps win an agenda.

[1:46:00] Mike Lindell talked to Bannon about Trump’s lawfare problems that are similar to Lindell’s plight with the law and attacks on his business and family.

[1:58:00] Oscar Blue Ramirez returned to talk about the smugglers and caravan that he is investigating.

Episode 3144: MAGA Taking Over Administrative State