Bezz Believe: True Rebellious Old School Rap Loves Trump And Fights Corruption For The ‘Common People’

Old School fans- those who really get Old School and remember what the movement was really all about-from way back “in the day’ will appreciate the recent rise of the pro-American Old School rappers.

The mainstream music industry is Marxist to it’s core- so these rappers, blazing their own way, are the real cultural rebels that Old School inspired …before some of those guys turned into nasty ‘gansta rap’ that was instrumental in tearing down Black communities by glorifying violence and dehumanizing Black women.

Nah- gangsta rap is trash and all those gangstas are sellouts; what we need is more Old School. Old School Rap always was a counter-revolution against corruption.

Old School never sells out- and always fights corruption.

And what is more corrupt than the Federal government – right now? They are total ‘social justice warriors” right? Except there is no justice- because all they are doing ends up making themselves rich and hurting the very people they said they would save.

Poverty, COVID, Unemployment, Oppressive laws, Invasion of our Borders, Illegals First- the Democrats got the power they wanted and have done nothing but destroy poor people with it- they are the OG- gangsta rappers.

Bezz Believe says he has a ‘God Hustle”. I love it.

His new rap: Love Trumps Hate- is a throwback to Tupac’s “Changes” with the same sampling of “The way it s”, by Bruce Hornsby & The Range.

It was all about the “color line” remember? It was all the fault of the “white Republicans,” right?


Hornsby’s song was a rallying cry in the 1990’s for social justice activists, which turned into a leftist ballad and call to action for the Democrat Party.

The Twisted tales of a Marxist cultural revolution.

But the Democrats don’t help any of those people they said they would help- they told us that if they could just get into power, they would fix it all but they made it all worse.

No, they don’t really care about those concerns that they organized their people around- all they are about is raw political power and control. Now we have proof.

Americans are seeing the evidence of that now with Joe Biden, because Trump was no Joe Biden.

The left, of course, deceived the masses for generations (including me for a while) that they cared about the common people- not they do not.

Trump cared about the common people in everything he did.

Was he too self-confident for people’s tender feelings?  Meh.. old school doesn’t care about feelings.

Politics today is the twisted tale of massive corruption and that is perfect for rebellious Old School Rap.

It is interesting how time changes.


Dudes are topping chats in mainstream music lists with anti-Biden and pro-Trump tunes- and here is another rap from Bezz Believe.

“Love Trumps Hate’.

These lyrics tho:

What would the world be like if Donald Trump won?

A whole lot less cold

There would be a lot more love for the common man

working together to make America Great Again

How is a small town business owner supposed to win?

Everything he makes goes to Uncle Sam

All that White Supremacy- we don’t stand by that

So I don’t understand when they say he don’t like Blacks

He freed Little Wayne and Kodac

People lose they jobs because they won’t get Vac’ed

They’ll suspend you from school if you take off your mask

How about the Uber Driver who got shot in the head

they said it was done by a drug addict

Joe Biden gives them free pipes

They are trying to take away our guns and give us heroin

They are treating half the population like experiments

Love Trumps hate

Faith Trumps fear

I still wonder what the world would be like

Unify race, unify religion

Look for more information about this artist on his social media: