Border Hell: ‘Whole Army of Aggressive Men’ Running Over the Texas Border from their Encampments [VIDEO]

Border Network News correspondent Anthony Aguero has spent years studying, investigating, and reporting on what is happening at the US Southern Border, especially around Texas. The details of his reports are shocking and nothing that the corporate media will show people.

Reports are that the people crossing are aggressive and brazenly hostile to people on both sides of the border.

Aguero, the son of migrants to the US, is very much opposed to unrestricted illegal immigration into the United States and posted two hours of live footage from the US Southern Border in El Paso, Texas, where he found a large group of illegal migrants crossing the border and then fleeing from local police.

He feels that the migrants are being allowed to come in as a replacement for Americans:

They may be a replacement for elderly people, especially:

As a resident of El Paso, he often gets footage of how illegal migrants are disrupting life for Americans; there as one of the most popular areas for the crossing:

He shows how the border crisis is impacting people on both sides, showing how the Mexican people are frightened of the migrants who are coming through their communities to get to the open borders of the US:

In his recent two-hour footage, Augero shows a large and hostile crowd who were interacting with a until of Border Patrol. One large group of people had rushed over the border and were on the American side- and law enforcement did not seem to be able to remove them.

“It feels like officials are trying to contain them in this area right now because a large group seemed to be testing the law enforcement because 400-500 people were able to ran into the country and made it across the street. I don’t know how many were apprehended. They are trying to push back because they get very aggressive and start to push their way through. They are down to a single file line, being pushed back,” Aguero said.

“There are encampments on the other side, and these people seem to be frustrated that they can not just cross the border,” he said, describing the situation as illegal invaders waiting to hear that Title 43 has been lifted so they can make their push into the country knowing that law enforcement will be put into a very weakened posture to stop them.

In the video is seen a unit of law enforcement in fatigues from the Border Patrol moves back and forth in the scene.

Aguero pointed out that the migrants were making demands and protesting already as they were sitting on the US side of the border.

“They were getting upset with law enforcement because they want water,” Aguero said, concluding his footage saying that over 100 aliens just bypassed all law enforcement and emphasizing that we should expect much more of what he filmed.

“Few minutes after filming this video, this whole group consisting of mainly military-age males, ran away from Border Patrol, National Guard, DPS and into the streets of #ElPaso, Texas…” Augero reported.