BUSTED! Encampments Popping Up Full of Migrants Ready to Make a Run for the Border, Mayorkas Clears Path for Them

Ben Bergquam, the host of Real America’s Voice Law and Border, recorded a migrant village in Mexico where people are in encampments waiting to make a run for the border when Democrat Joe Biden lifts Title 42 restrictions on illegal immigration.

‘Watch what they do and not what they say, Bergquam said about the action of the Department of Homeland Security, who we are told are securing the border; as Bergquam exposed, they are building an easier path for illegal invasion into the US.

Bergquam slammed Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Defense, for saying the border is not open but also appearing to design the invasion of illegals. He slammed Joe Biden for getting ready to lift the restriction on immigration that has been in place since President Trump. Biden’s anticipated act will lead to more damage to the border with an overwhelming migration of waiting for illegal invaders from all over the third world who have heard that the US Border is open and that anyone can come in and get services.

Bergquam captured the action on video that showed people are crossing in large numbers, taking great risks all while law enforcement is forced to sit and watch, being immobilized by the government:

“This is Matamoros, Mexico, but it’s what the entire border will look like soon! This was caused by Joe Biden and the Democrat’s open borders policies that undid the successful policies of President Trump. They have caused this disaster and the disaster it is bringing to America. Secretary Mayorkas is a liar! Joe Biden is a liar! The Democrats are liars, and they need to be held accountable!”

The situation seems to be out of control as Democrats are scrambling to deal with the mess they have made, as covered by Fox News.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, facing a potentially historic migrant surge once the Title 42 public health order ends in less than a week, made a final plea for migrants not to attempt to cross into the U.S. illegally — telling them they are being “deceived” by smugglers.

“The border is not open,” Mayorkas said. “It has not been open, and it will not be open subsequent to May 11th. And the smugglers who exploit vulnerable migrants are spreading misinformation. They are spreading false information, lies in a way to lure vulnerable people to the southern border and those individuals will only be returned.”

Mayorkas spoke in Brownsville, Texas, alongside Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz just days before the Title 42 order will expire on Thursday.  The public health order was implemented in March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of migrants have been rapidly expelled back to Mexico under the demand for public health reasons. In March, 46% of all encounters resulted in a Title 42 expulsion.

Mayorkas may feel that the Border is not open, but that is not the impression anyone else has.

In the following video, Bergquam busted Mayorkas over a path being cleared to assist migrants in getting to the US border easier: