Raising questions of how she intends to enforce her last tyrannical move, radical far-left Mayor, Democrat Muriel Bowser is confusing the residents of Washinton DC. by demanding what they need to do before “heading out”, showing how sloppy and lazy she is that she can not use words to describe public policy under her leadership.
Key Point: Bowser believes that DC should be a state, and she should be the leader of that state. Perhaps she means the state of confusion?
Bowser posted causally, to her social media, on Tuesday that American citizens in her town starting this weekend would need proof of vaccination for anyone over 12, and a photo ID if they are over 18, and all will need a mask:
Bowser linked to a government website with the following information:
To help stop the spread of COVID-19, the District of Columbia is launching a city wide vaccination entry requirement (VaxDC), which calls for establishments to verify that patrons are vaccinated against COVID-19.
On January 15, 2022, per Mayor’s Order 2021-148, the District of Columbia will adopt a city wide vaccination entry requirement that requires COVID-19 vaccination to enter indoor facilities within the city.
Timeline for Vaccine Requirements
- January 15, 2022: one dose for ages 12+
- February 15, 2022: fully vaccinated for ages 12+
Proof of vaccination against COVID-19 is required in the following locations:

Indoor food and drink establishments, such as:
- Restaurants
- Nightclubs
- Taverns
- Coffee shops
- Food halls

Indoor cultural and entertainment establishments, such as:
- Concert, live entertainment and sporting venues
- Movie theatres
- Bowling alleys

Indoor exercise and recreational establishments, such as:
- Gyms
- Fitness studios
- Any facilities used for group fitness classes

Indoor event and meeting establishments, such as:
- Conferences
Required Signage
Beginning on January 15, 2022, businesses shall display prominently, visible to patrons prior to entry, a notice informing patrons that proof of vaccination is required to enter any indoor portion of a covered location.
Sample advisory notices are available for download in PDF format below.
For Businesses
(Click to Download)

Proof of Vaccination
Before patrons can access the indoor portion of the business, a business is required to check the patron’s proof of vaccination.
One of the following options will demonstrate proof of vaccination:
- A physical Center for Disease Control (CDC) Vaccination Card
- A digital copy/photo of a CDC Vaccination Card
- A COVID-19 Verification App such as VaxYes or CLEAR
No one thought it was a great idea, especially since Bowser doesn’t think Americans need an ID to vote.
“So, it is now the official policy of the DC government that everybody must show a photo id to get into just about every retail establishment in the city. That pretty much eliminates any objection that Democrats should have about showing an ID to vote. @MayorBowser is a moron,” John Feehery, a journalist for The Hill posted.
Supporters of Bowsers love the control and dominance that she is exhibiting over free people and have justified the mandates as good because restaurants are a privilege and voting is a right.