Breaking! New Rittenhouse Video Released That Had Been Withheld From Defense

On Tuesday night, Hack Posobiec, the Editor of Human Events, released two versions of a video he had obtained of drone footage from the night Kyle Rittenhouse was forced to defend his life in street riots in Wisconsin.

Numerous questions arose in the chat about the video, including asking which version the judge saw.

In the following set of tweets is both a semi- blurred version of the moment gunfire rang out, and a crisper version with better details, of the same time period.

Posobiec, who has been following the trial and of the details from the beginning, offered little commentary at the time he posted- other than pointing out that the low-quality version was the one provided to the defense, and the better quality video was withheld.

” And here is the HD version that was withheld from the defense team The HD version clearly shows Kyle did not aim his rifle at the Ziminskis,” Posobiec added.

The Jury went home Tuesday night after the first rounds of deliberations ended, expected to restart again Wednesday morning.

The latest, late-night, local news about the trial from WISN, focused on protestors outside of the courthouse:

“It was the largest and liveliest group of protesters seen since the trial began.

Many times screaming in each other’s faces, shoving and sometimes whacking each other over the head with their signs.

Kenosha County Sheriff’s deputies were always nearby watching but never intervened.

Protesters never became violent and at the end of the night went home.

“If I were to put myself in Kyle’s shoes, if anybody’s kids were in Kyle’s shoes, being attacked, fighting for his life, shooting back so he was able to stay alive,” said David Palmer from Kenosha. “It should not be a crime. We should be able to preserve our own life.”

“It’s so much bigger than this one kid and this one instance,” said Jennifer Pierce Miller who traveled to Kenosha from Arkansas. “If this kid walks, there’s thousands, countless thousands of little boys that have been bred hate, that want the fame hero status he’s going to get and it’s going to be open season.”