Nicole Solas is an American Conservative activist posted a series of posts on Twitter recently which show a letter- identified as coming from third party- from an assistant principal to teachers, soliciting donations to pay off a Coyote’s trafficking fees for a student who would be an illegal alien and who had been trafficked to the United States by Mexican drug cartels.
The letter reads:
Caution, this email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.
Hello team.
Please see the message below regarding your consideration for an urgent matter. To support one of our own students here at Mount. We have a student who came to America with “coyote”, which is a group that helps people.
This group gives you a time frame to make a payment of five thousand dollars to those who bring them into the states, our student needs our urgent support to raise another 2,000 dollars to meet his goal of five thousand dollars by February 1st 2023.
Please considering helping, if you can by donation.
On Friday, Melania will be around to collect money.

Solas posted that someone from Tucker Carlson’s show is investigating, along with the contact information for the responsible person, who could talk about the email.
Solas implied that the letter had a connection to the school’s Department of Equity.
Solas reported that she had requested more information and had been transferred to someone else in the school district.
Sloas’s tweets read:
A lot of reporters have been contacting me about where to get more information about the human smuggling situation at Mount Pleasant High School. Email
I submitted public records requests about the apparent cartel shakedown of teachers happening at Mount Pleasant High School in Rhode Island. Just in case the DEI overlords toss the evidence down the memory hole.
A producer from
@TuckerCarlson called Mount Pleasant High School in Rhode Island to investigate the email.
The principal of Mount Pleasant High School in Rhode Island then sent an email to all faculty and staff saying “the nature of the request is not appropriate.” Does “not appropriate” mean illegal?
This could have serious federal criminal law implications and any teacher who receives this email should immediately notify the union as to how to deal with it. They may have an obligation legally to report it to the police.
This email was sent to the entire faculty and staff at Mount Pleasant High School in Rhode Island.
It looks like Mount Pleasant High School in Rhode Island is soliciting donations from teachers to pay a debt to a cartel that trafficked a student.”
We will bring you more details as they emerge…