Can You Hear Me Now? Parents Use The “P-Word” To Make A Point, After Nothing Else Works

Masked parents, holding graphic illustrations of children engaged in sexual acts, at a recent Wake County North Carolina school board meeting gathered together to plead with the members of the board to use their authority as school officials to take parent’s concerns seriously over a handful of books that are found on school property. Parents say that up to 20 books in North Carolina contain what can be defined as ‘obscene material’ about human sexuality. At a recent meeting, parents referred to two books they want to be evaluated.
Key Point: North Carolina Pornography laws may not apply to the books parents are concerned about because the depictions are illustrated.  Their grievance may be defined as:  Obscene literature and expeditions according to the North Carolina General Assembly

From Wake County School Board Meeting Dec. 7, 2021

“After you introduce these concepts of sexuality to our young children, where do you think they will go to look for more information? The library.  And it is not the school system’s job to provide access to sexual material as soon as our children can read,”  Jessica Lewis, Mom of a seven-year-old boy at A.B. Combs Magnet School in Wake County, told the Wake County School Board.

Parents contend that while some of the troublesome material is about homosexual sexuality, the focus of their complaints is the highly sexual material, which they claim is not age-appropriate for their young children.  As of this writing, the parents, seen in the video below, have been met with open hostility by the school board members- for presenting documentation about what could be illegal content in their own county’s schools.

In order to make the point that the material is bombastic and obscene and not age-appropriate for young children,  two Moms and one Dad, all Wake County residents with children enrolled in Wake County schools, presented their evidence by reading into the record to the members of the school board just a few examples of what they find offensive.

“I was 10 years old and I put his dick in my mouth in 4th grade, it was no big deal, he sucked mine too.  From the book George found in 31 elementary and 18 Middle schools in Wake County,” Lewis read into the school record.

She continued, reading from the book in front of her: “Hey Rick, looks like someone is starting to grow some balls. There was nothing George dreaded more than when boys talked about what is in her underpants. She immersed her body in warm water and tried to think about what was in between her legs,” Lewis read, while a Wake County Dad hung his head in horror and pain at the idea of what children had access to at school.

“Children can get access to the following material in their school libraries, and even get audiobooks.  Here are just a few examples of what our kids have access to. Lawn boy, about a boy at a church camp found in eight High Schools, and it is also available to reserve at the public library through each child’s laptop. And I will quote from the book:  “What if I told you that I touched another guy’s dick? What if I told you that I sucked it?” Lewis said, reading from the book.

Watch the rest of this short video for what else this courageous Mom and her associates read for the benefit of the Wake County school board last week:

I spoke with Jessica Lewis, who is a tireless advocate for her children.  She has two children under 10 years old at the same school.  Lewis has been highlighted in the news for her activism numerous times. Here are a few examples: LinkLink.

“At my children’s school the principal of the school has been helpful to me with my son, who suffers from some anxiety issues.  She has been helpful but I don’t think she can do anything about the reading materials.  I believe that is being forced on us by some teachers, but I don’t know for sure.  That is why I want the school board to investigate and see where the problem is coming from. Students are given these Chrome books and they are not protected. Children