Swampy Fake Non-Profits, Shell Games: Madigan Intersects Clinton For Control Of DNC

It is no secret that Democrat Hillary R. Clinton secured the 2016 Democrat Party Presidential nomination from more popular, radical far-left progressive-populist, Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders- in a very strange way that looks like political corruption, and ignited a leftist Populist revolt from the Democrat Party after President Donald J. Trump was elected president. Remember … Read more

Thank A Democrat For Skyrocketing Energy Prices, Get Ready For More

The United States on Thursday announced a new round of sanctions targeting Russian oligarchs and their family members who are supporting President Vladimir Putin as he wages war in Ukraine. The new penalties include “full blocking sanctions” on at least eight so-called elites in the country and visa restrictions on 19 Russian oligarchs, their 47 … Read more

Democrats Keep Americans Weak And In Submission For Energy- On Purpose

Americans had energy independence under Republican President Donald J. Trump, which was one of the biggest and most freeing transformations of America to benefit American citizens, and the Democrats- led by Joe Biden ended that and forced Americans back into submission and dependency- as a punishment for investing in the left’s green dreams. Either way, … Read more