Polls Show Democrats Don’t Like Cheating Biden Either [POLL]

Democrats are in so much trouble heading into the November mid-terms that the panic of losing everything they fought so hard to cheat for is at risk, and even Democrats voters are disgusted by the political elite who tarnished the character of the average American Democrat voter by cheating, according to polls. Check out this … Read more

Biden’s Biggest SOTU Blunder Even Makes Kamala Blush

Democrat Joe Biden can be counted on to make humiliating blunders at his public appearances and his first State of the Union Address, held Tuesday night to a limited audience at the US Capitol. was no exception to the rule. Democrats had hoped that Biden, who has a 37% approval rating, was going to give … Read more

‘All Fighting Aged Men’: America Being Invaded

It is not a secret that illegal invaders feel very confident crossing the Southern border between the United States and Mexico. Ben Bergquam, the founder of Frontline American and the host of Law and Border on Real Americas Voice, is constantly finding evidence that the United States is- in fact- being invaded. In the following … Read more

Patriot Activist’s Lifestyle At CPAC: Fun, Fun, Fun!

Fun breaks out everywhere Ben Bergquam goes for Real Americas Voice News and Frontline America. During his recent trip to CPAC in Florida, Ben ran into many patriots and grassroots activists. And he interviewed many newsmakers. “It is time for everyone to get involved,” Ben Bergquam said at the start of CPAC. Ben started as … Read more