Chasing Creeper Hunter Biden: Bergquam at Court for Real America’s Voice Goes Viral

Ben Bergquam, a correspondent for Real America’s Voice remained at court house for most of Friday to catch an opportunity to ask Hunter Biden a question about the bribes he allegedly accepted from a Ukrainian businessman and why he was trying to skip out on his responsibility as the Father of a little girl.

Hunter and his family has rejected and abandoned his love child, and they don’t even seem to feel bad about it. On Friday, Hunter was forced into court to talk about why he was denying the mother of the child custody payments that she was due.

We covered the details of Hunter Biden’s child custody payment hearing HERE– and reported when Bergquam was told he had to leave the area and not record- HERE.

Berquam, who had reported earlier on Friday to the War Room stayed at the courthouse for the entirety of Hunter Biden’s case and attempted to ask him a question as he exited the building with his secret service details protected, as caught on the following video footage.

Here is how Bergquam set the scene:

“Breaking: just caught Hunter Biden leaving the Stephens Building in Little Rock, Arkansas in a Secret Service motorcade. This guy is using your tax dollars simply to try to fight having to pay child support to his four year old daughter, that Joe and Jill Biden refuse to recognize as their granddaughter! What horrible people! All while the mainstream media refuses to ask questions that we deserve answers to:

1. Were Hunter and Joe Biden bribed by Burisma when Joe was Vice President so that Joe would threaten the prosecutor in the case? Is that why we’re in Ukraine now? Is Joe being extorted by Zelensky?

2.Was Obama involved in the deal with the Biden’s and Burisma? Or the coverup?

3.How much money has the Biden family receive from China? 4. Are the Bidens profiting off the child trafficking coming in through our southern border because of Joe Biden’s open border policies? 5. Why are we prosecuting President Trump when we should be prosecuting the #BidenCrimeFamily?!

The Daily Mail reported on some details of the court case saying that the Mother was in the courthouse, which was a surprise to Hunter:

Hunter Biden FINALLY answers questions about his shady finances in Arkansas as baby mama Lunden Roberts surprises First Son by showing up to hear him be deposed in battle over child support

  • Hunter Biden was forced to answer questions about his shady finances Friday in Arkansas as part of bitter child support battle with baby mama Lunden Roberts
  • Roberts, 32, sprung a surprise on the First Son, 53, by turning up in person to hear him be deposed
  • ‘Lunden has every right to be there – but it is highly unusual,’ a source told ‘It’s harder to be untruthful about a person in their presence.’

Fox News reported:

Hunter Biden, the 53-year-old son of President Joe Biden, was deposed in his fiery child support case in Little Rock, Arkansas, on Friday.

Lunden Roberts, mother of 4-year-old Navy Joan Roberts, had made an agreement with the president’s son regarding paternity and child support payments in 2020. Roberts gave birth to Navy in August 2018, filing a paternity suit less than a year later. 

A judge ruled that Biden was Navy’s father “with near scientific certainty” in January 2020.

Roberts, who is a former stripper, was present in Friday’s courtroom session — a move that a Daily Mail source described as “highly unusual”.


Western Journal reported on Friday that not only has Hunter Biden and his family abandoned this child- but he is also a total creeper:

t seems that every scrap of information that comes out about Hunter Biden, the worse he and his father look, and that is no less true after texts recently released show how he cut off money and communications with the mother of his child.

The texts show that Biden’s then-pregnant girlfriend, Lunden Alexis Roberts, suddenly found in 2018 that Biden had stopped communicating with her. And then, when his baby was born, he cut off financial and medical support and refused to even accept a photo of his newborn baby.

“In hopes that you even read this – Baby was born Aug 28. Beautiful & Healthy,” Roberts wrote in a text on Oct. 16, 2018, according to the Washington Free Beacon. “If you ever become curious and want to know more I can send pictures, details, or whatever you may request.”

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