Democrats Got Their Kill Switch In Our Cars, Will People Finally Vote Against Democrats in 2022 To Stop It?

Democrats have passed a new law that could potentially require all new cars to install kill switches, supposedly so that law enforcement can control vehicles at their discretion to mitigate drunk driving and police chases. However, anyone who has been watching politicos lately could reasonably predict that allowing the US Government to have that sort of control over citizens is a hazardous situation for free people.

“The bill, which has been signed into law by President Biden, states that the kill switch, which is referred to as a safety device, must passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle,” Former US Rep. Bill Barr told Newsmax in early December.

The “Kill Switch” excuse to monitor Americans while driving was snuck into the 1.2 Trillion dollar spending spree- Infrastructure bill passed in November of 2021.

Key Point: The Federal government has not demonstrated any respect for the sovereign rights of Americans over the last decade- so this scenario is something voters want to keep tracking, looking for where politicians in DC will sneak the expansion of their power grabs.

Steven Symes for Yahoo News reported about the “Kill Switch”:“While it might seem like a sci-fi tale, soon enough the United States federal government could force automakers to install kill switches authorities can access and use to shut down any newer vehicle.

Refresh your memory about some of the other crazy things which were in the infrastructure bill here.

To many, that might sound like a wonderful idea. After all, we’ve seen wanted criminals who have fled from police only to crash into a car with a family inside, killing innocents as they try to avoid capture. Being able to stop the pursuit early and almost instantaneously seems like a wonderful thing, a potential lifesaver any law-abiding citizen would enthusiastically embrace.”

Recall that how a computer will, “passively” monitor Americans- means that this system will always be monitoring the driver. It will have to monitor normal driving habits to determine whether or not someone is impaired.

“As there are no set standards for idiosyncrasies behind the wheel, the idea of what and what doesn’t constitute “impaired” driving is entirely subjective. If impairment is detected, according to the legislation, vehicle operation will be “prevented or limited.”

The legislation also mentions monitoring the blood alcohol content of the driver, yet there is no detail on how this would be done. But perhaps the most worrisome aspect of this madness is that it will be an “open” system, containing at least one backdoor to allow authorized third parties to remotely access the system’s data at any time,” The Free Thought Project reported, about the Government’s “Kill Switch”.

“A dirty cop or a hacker can lure a driver to a remote area & kill switch the car until cops can arrive to tow or detain for parallel construction setup & arrest. Thugs can ambush drivers they’ve hacked & disabled from leaving. It’ll be abused for entrapment & false imprisonment,” One Twitter poster wrote, representing many of the other reactions to the Yahoo story. 

It is not dark conspiracy kookery to believe that the US Federal Government is trying to expand its authority and legal power to control the US population, thereby controlling people’s access to freedom.  The power grabbers include the entire Democrat Party, and few Republican outliers.

The Government “Kill Switch” is exactly a stand to investigate- before you go vote in the 2022 primaries. We must demand our sovereignty back- with our votes.

Democrats have passed a new law that could potentially require all new cars to install kill switches, supposedly so that law enforcement can control vehicles at their discretion to mitigate drunk driving and police chases. However, anyone who has been watching politicos lately could reasonably predict that allowing the US Government to have that sort of control over citizens is a hazardous situation for free people.

“The bill, which has been signed into law by President Biden, states that the kill switch, which is referred to as a safety device, must passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle,” Former US Rep. Bill Barr told Newsmax in early December.

The “Kill Switch” excuse to monitor Americans while driving was snuck into the 1.2 Trillion dollar spending spree- Infrastructure bill passed in November of 2021.

Key Point: The Federal government has not demonstrated any respect for the sovereign rights of Americans over the last decade- so this scenario is something voters want to keep tracking, looking for where politicians in DC will sneak the expansion of their power grabs.

Steven Symes for Yahoo News reported about the “Kill Switch”:“While it might seem like a sci-fi tale, soon enough the United States federal government could force automakers to install kill switches authorities can access and use to shut down any newer vehicle.

Refresh your memory about some of the other crazy things which were in the infrastructure bill here.

To many, that might sound like a wonderful idea. After all, we’ve seen wanted criminals who have fled from police only to crash into a car with a family inside, killing innocents as they try to avoid capture. Being able to stop the pursuit early and almost instantaneously seems like a wonderful thing, a potential lifesaver any law-abiding citizen would enthusiastically embrace.”

Recall that how a computer will, “passively” monitor Americans- means that this system will always be monitoring the driver. It will have to monitor normal driving habits to determine whether or not someone is impaired.

“As there are no set standards for idiosyncrasies behind the wheel, the idea of what and what doesn’t constitute “impaired” driving is entirely subjective. If impairment is detected, according to the legislation, vehicle operation will be “prevented or limited.”

The legislation also mentions monitoring the blood alcohol content of the driver, yet there is no detail on how this would be done. But perhaps the most worrisome aspect of this madness is that it will be an “open” system, containing at least one backdoor to allow authorized third parties to remotely access the system’s data at any time,” The Free Thought Project reported, about the Government’s “Kill Switch”.

A dirty cop or a hacker can lure a driver to a remote area & kill switch the car until cops can arrive to tow or detain for parallel construction setup & arrest. Thugs can ambush drivers they’ve hacked & disabled from leaving. It’ll be abused for entrapment & false imprisonment,” One Twitter poster wrote, representing many of the other reactions to the Yahoo story. 

It is not dark conspiracy kookery to believe that the US Federal Government is trying to expand its authority and legal power to control the US population, thereby controlling people’s access to freedom.  The power grabbers include the entire Democrat Party, and few Republican outliers.

The Government “Kill Switch” is exactly a stand to investigate- before you go vote in the 2022 primaries. We must demand our sovereignty back- with our votes.