‘Socialized Medicine Utopia: ‘People Are Dying From Bad Public Health In The United States’-[VIDEO]

The amount of victim shaming over vaccine injuries has reached such a dangerous level that it will impact our national security. It affects our military ranks and subjects Americans to substandard third-world nation health care in the United States.

Key Point: Recall that the Democrats demanded that the United States need to have socialized medicine so we could be like the rest of the world.  This disaster is at the feet of Democrats and Democrat voters. Here is proof.

“I have seen no one die of COVID; they have died of malfeasance,” Nicole Sirotek, founder of Frontline Nurses, said at a US Senate Hearing, “And the FDA drug that is killing people.”

“I have seen a 10-year-old had a heart attack who was just vaccinated,” Siortek.

Siortek, a highly qualified medical professional,  testified at a US Senate hearing recently. Here is her testimony about what she experienced on the frontlines, going back to May 2020.  Siortek talked about the massive negligence of public health in New York and in general and said the reason we are in crisis is because of the high levels of incompetence.

Here is a bit of her testimony at the Senate Hearing.

Siortek has support from Conservatives, who join her in her prediction about the acceleration of death. She has projected that outward to how it has destroyed our most important institutions, like the US military.

US Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)  posted some links between what has happened at the FDA and how it is damaging our Department of Defense:

* 8/23/2021 FDA approved Comirnaty vax. * 8/24/2021 SecDef issued a mandate because Comirnaty was approved. * Comirnaty was never produced by Pfizer. * DOD says non-approved vax will be used to satisfy mandate that legally required an approved vax,” Massie wrote. Highlighting the danger“Mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 will only use COVID-19 vaccines that receive full licensure from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in accordance with FDA-approved labeling and guidance.”

Due to Sirotek’s medical expertise and bravery, lawmakers can point to someone who has been involved with public health and seen the disaster and understands- not only what is at stake- but what the problem is that we are facing.

According to Sirotek all of this begins with what the left has destroyed a world-class medical system, with a disaster of their socialized medicine utopia.

Listen to Daniel Horowitz podcast and recent  Siortek interview:

“We’ve all heard the stories about the maltreatment in the hospitals, but today’s guests paint a shocking picture of what goes on and how it defies science, medicine, and basic humanity. I’m joined by Nicole Sirotek, the original nurse whistleblower in New York, and Kim Thompson, who run a patient advocacy and assistance group, AmericanFrontlineNurses.com.

They provide medical advice, assistance, emotional support, and even legal help to those trying to navigate the hospital experience during the pandemic. They discuss premature ventilation, lack of basic strategies to deal with lung inflammation, starvation, and complete disregard for patients’ rights. I also discuss some shocking news on how the Pentagon is covering up vaccine injury in the military.”