Epic Journey! Save America Freedom Bus Tour Begins

Ben Bergquam, the founder of Frontline America and reporter for Real America’s Voice (RAV), kicked off the first stage of his “Save America Freedom” Bus Tour with his partner Jeremy Herrell from Live from America. The two have already built a powerful team with their Bus Driver and a Prayer consultant, and together the four of them found fellowship with a group of small-town American families, after fighting through a severe storm.

“Moms and Dads raising their families right is what America is all about,” Bergquam said, stopping to pray with a family along with a young man he had just interviewed. “Lift up Mom and Dad, let them be the parents these young men need,” Bergquam said.


“We are in Hoover Alabama,” Bergquam said. “This is our first stop and we are at a crawfish boil,” he said.

“A friend named Cassandra who is our prayer warrior just jumped on with us,” Bergquam said, showing the spontaneous spirit of the tour.

“I feel like we are being led across the country and it is really fun whenever you invite Jesus into what you are doing, and then you get to see where you wind up Here we are at a random crawfish dinner in Alabama. I am excited to see how God works as we head westward,” Cassandra said.

“God works in interesting ways. We just made it through a tornado, the rain was going sideways, with buses everywhere and we make it here and there is a rainbow,” Danny, the bus driver, said.

“It’s the promise!” Cassandra said. “Just like America”

Bergquam got his first interview, seeking out some nearby people who had prearranged the trip for him.


“Alabama is important for the Republic, you can count on us to vote the right way,” said Ralph Head, the father of RAV’s Amanda Head. “I believe the election was stolen and I am worried about the filabuster, and hopefully by the mid terms people will be ready to take the country back, ” Head said. Then he stopped talking about politics for a few moments, proudly, to talk about deer hunting with his daughter and how the two of them shocked the Miss Alabama Pagent when Amanda was a consultant, “she likes to talk and she can skin a deer”, he said. “She takes after her Dad,” Amanda’s Dad said, smiling.

Asked what she would like to say about being an American Mom, “You need to be a Mom and love your kids. Keep communication open,” said Cathy Head, Amanda Head’s Mom.

Ben and Jeremy, both Dads with young children, stopped, and each took a few moments to broadcast to their respective audiences. Jeremy has been banned from Twitter for a long time but spends his time growing an audience wherever he can for his citizen journalism.

Jeremy is responsible for the hugely popular pro-Trump song called Build The Wall which put a target on his social media accounts.

The Save Freedom Bus Tour story is also about the power of citizen-activist journalism on a platform dedicated to elevating the voice of regular Americans. That is the tour’s purpose, to find local stories and local people, to discover what is unfolding in America.

CALL TO ACTION: Please support Ben’s journalism here at Frontline America as you feel led, and share this story to help us build awareness that Ben and Jeremy are out there looking for America.


Earlier in the day the two men had been on Bannon’s War Room show, to discuss the details of the trip with Steve Bannon.

‘What mischief are you two up to?” Bannon asked. ” We are continuing to follow the stories that America wants to hear. We are going out to find them and hear their voice. We are looking forward to hearing about what is concerning Americans,” Bergquam told Bannon.

“You have been to Arizona, Georgia, Alabama, and now headed toward Texas by mid-next week. Your reporting on the border has been the best,” Bannon told Bergquam.

“We have patriots lined up around in the areas we are stopping, to get their voices heard, and they are not getting heard. The media mixes things up or changes their point of view, ” said Jeremy, the sponsor of the Bus tour. “We want people’s opinions,” Herrell told Bannon.