Every town will be a ‘Border Town’: Texas to Transport Migrants from Their Border into Other US Cities

Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who has been criticized for not being bold enough on border security, announced this week that he will be assisting illegal migrants on their way to the Urban ‘Sanctuary cities’ of New York and Chicago this week, as a way of assisting the Democrat administration of Joe Biden on their final transformation of the United States of America- with open borders for all economic migrations from around the world.

The results are that every town in the United States will be embracing the consequences of ‘border towns’.

Some people believe that allowing the people in but depositing the people in other parts of the country is going to solve the problem. Still, others are not convinced that putting people into sanctuary cities is going to stop anything.

Here is Abbott talking about his plans:

“The cartels know it’s the federal government that controls the immigration process. The cartels are working in collaboration with President Biden to facilitate that illegal cross-border. We are being overrun by our own federal government.”

“President Biden is laying down a ‘welcome’ mat to people across the entire world saying that the United States border is wide-open and it will lead to an incredible amount of people coming across the border illegally.”

Abbott says he is putting up wire to stop the illegal invasion:

People are leery that his wire is actually a deterrent for anything:

Here is some more of our recent coverage showing the problem in one Texas town: