Exclusive! Biden is like ‘Qanon,’ WH is Prioritizing Sex Trafficking Like Sound of Freedom, Where is the Left?

What if the Biden White House said they were concerned about sex trafficking? Would the left rip into them and say they were Qanons? Or is that sort of mockery only for supporters of President Donald J. Trump and everyone else who bought a ticket to the new blockbuster movie?

Make it make sense! We say to the left.. because while the media is calling everyone Qanon for caring about sex crimes against children, Biden’s White House said on Monday that there also very worried about sex trafficking; where are the screams about conspiracy theories?

Like these weirdos:

Look at how some pundits on the left are making it sound like only crazy people care about the topic. Well, if that is true- add the Biden administration to the top of the pile for making sex trafficking a top priority, as seen in the video down below:

We got the story from one WH correspondent who is very frustrated with the Biden regime, as the White House appears to be putting undue hardships on reporters and journalists, who got an opportunity to ask the US State Department about sex trafficking, as the horrifying practice is exposed in the blockbuster movie- Sound of Freedom leading to a national discussion.

And these are especially poignant moments for him because it may also be his remaining days with a hard press pass and his last chance to ask a question of the administration after being a correspondent for his outreach for Christian- Jewish ministry and for numerous other outlets.

“White House Correspondent Dr. Harper is thankful to GOD to be called on at the U.S. State Department today, July 10, 2023, for the first time to ask a crucial question on protecting children and Israel,” wrote in the description of the video below of the exchange with Biden’s State Department- to set the tone.

The issue of protecting children and protecting Israel are hugely important to Dr. Anthony Harper.

At Monday’s Press Briefing, Harper and asked:

First, Harper asked about Biden’s push for a ‘two state’ solution and then followed that up with a question about the current national discussion about a very popular movie, The Sound of Freedom:

I asked him, “What is President Biden’s response to the horrific Child Sex Trafficking, Organ Harvesting as well as drugs and child mutilation with surgeries in transgender issues in addition to the murder of children in the womb?,” Harper told Frontline America. 

Dr. Harper cited the movie Sound of Freedom, asking about the official WH stand and is appears as if they all agree it is a high priority to end the horrible practice.

“We are opposed to International sex trafficking. The department has taken a number of steps to both shine a light on sex trafficking and hold people accountable. It’s a high priority for this department and for the broader United States government.”


Harper is frustrated with Biden and is working to expose him for a number of problems, telling Frontline America that “In light of President Biden developing a task force on combatting anti-Semitism, President Biden has placed an anti-Semitic organization C.A.I.R. on his combatting anti-Semitism task force.”

Harper wants to ask a lot of questions about that- which is likely why he is rarely called upon to do, and after the end of the month, maybe denied doing again- if Biden has his way.

Harper wants to know, “How can Biden be combatting anti-Semitism when he has C.A.I.R. involved, or supporting a deal with Iran, or not condemning the desecration of the Jewish cemetery in Vilnius, Lithuania (SaveVilna.org), or not condemning BDS, or not condemning the division of Israel with a Palestinian state and funding anti-Semitic organizations such as the Palestinian Authority and U.N. agencies UNRWA as well as UNESCO?”

Here is the problem, he told Frontline America media passes are doing to be very difficult to get:

“My White House Hard Pass press access is in jeopardy, expiring July 31! The Biden Administration is creating an undue hardship on the press that is a direct assault on Freedom of the Press! They require me and other White House reporters to have an additional Congress access press pass that I and other media can’t qualify for.

Read the following news article about this –White House unveils new press badge restrictions, rules for access:

In his remaining hours of having that top access- Harper got the Biden White House to say they care about child sex trafficking as much as everyone else.

Now lets see what they do to end this disaster they are encouraging at the Southern Border. And what Harper can do to get back to the White House for more investigation.

Wonder what they will say to a media who pretended to care about the issue of sex trafficing a long time ago and now call people ‘Qanon’ about it:

Harper is the principal investigative journalist at the White House, who reports on anti-Semitism and other Human Rights violations for the InterMountain Christian News and Israel news service Newsreel,

Make sure to watch Sound of Freedom:


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