Exclusive Past Interview With Uvalde Mayor Exposes Community In Fear of Democrat Policies

Ben Bergquam scooped the entire world on a hugely important issue- and this is a commentary on- both- the laziness of the lapdog media- and the brilliance of one reporter in particular- Frontline’s own- Ben Bergquam.

For years, Ben Bergquam, a correspondent for Real America’s Voice (RAV), has courageously been reporting about the problems at the Southern Border. Bergquam has spent so much time cultivating relationships and building trust with lawmakers all along the Southern border and into Mexico that he has a unique understanding of the issues the residents in the small border towns face.

And he knows who to talk to, to get the important information for his viewers.

Bergquam, the host of a RAV show titled Law and Border, recently interviewed a Mayor of a Texas town, for the program – who now plays a very important role in a national story.

The story is the Uvalde shootings. The person is the mayor of Uvalde.

And Bergquam, who shows exceptional bravery in his reporting, was the only one who uncovered that the same school that was shot up one week ago had experienced over 48 lockdowns over crimes committed by illegal invaders- and that is because of Joe Biden’s border crisis.

“Guns are not the problem! Democrat policies are,” Bergguam wrote.


Our article on Bergquam’s interview here: