Exposed: Is It Time For Legislation? What Happens When Women Lie About Domestic Violence, For Revenge?

In the era of “me too,” when women hold an unjust power over the courts, the media, and other American citizens, the following story, while a bit old- is the perfect place to jump into the topic of what happens when women lie about domestic violence for revenge.

“Domestic Abuse is a significant problem. However, the way the system handles that issue has created perhaps an even greater danger related to false allegations of abuse. They permeate divorce, legal separation and custody proceedings often as a strategy to seek an advantage in a custody case. Review this guide to defending against false allegations,” HG Legal resources wrote, offering people a look at the growing problem in the courts of when women lie.

Key Point: The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is a landmark piece of legislation that sought to improve criminal legal, and community-based responses to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking in the United States and may need to be addressed because of the weaponization of the laws- that have clearly been exploited by the mentally ill and people out for revenge, who quite often lie about what has happened to them. These laws are primarily used by the left, focused on “Cancel Culture.”

Perhaps it is time for some legislation to hold women accountable for the lies and defamation they spread and have weaponized in the courts against their husbands, associates, and politicians- when they lie about domestic abuse. Check out that website if you have been falsely accused and require services.

Consider this 2019 video clip, where a man named Monzella was offered an apology by his ex-wife, Evonne, over her lies that he had raped their daughters.  Monzell refused to accept the apology, which made a newsworthy item for the Oprah show.

From the source of the video:

Monzell Rejects Evonne’s Apology Because Her False Rape Accusation Has “Broken” Him

Season 6 Episode 605
CC | TV-14
Iyanla reveals the lie detector test results to Monzell: The test proves that his ex-wife, Evonne lied. Here, Evonne apologizes to Monzell for falsely accusing him of violating their daughters. But will Monzell accept her apology for ruining his life with a vicious lie? reported on the episode:

“An American family of 5 – Parents and three daughters were featured on ‘Iyanla fix my life show’ that saw them squash the old lies that have eaten deep into their family.

– The wife lied to her 3 daughters that their father raped them, when asked why she lied, her response was “Why didn’t you fight harder if u know u didn’t do it”

Lie detector reveals how a mother lied to her 3 daughters that they were raped by their father 25years ago.

The husband, Monzell in one of her episodes, an African-American man Monzell, 53, revealed how his wife Evonne, 53, turned his children against him for 25years. He said that his wife had lied to their 3 daughters that he raped them when they were younger.

The wife, Evonne and husband Monzell both took a lie detector test and it came out negative when the husband was asked if he has had any sexual intimacy with his daughters, while the wife’s test came out positive when asked if she had lied about sexual intimacy between her daughters and their father.

Iyanla Vanzant is an accomplished author and inspirational speaker who tries to help others improve their lives. Secrets are revealed, truths uncovered and emotions let out as Vanzant teaches people how to pull back the curtain on what isn’t working in their lives in order to fix those problems.”

Stories of cancel culture and unjust prosecution create a time to reflect on our laws, the inequities that they create, and how people can protect themselves against false allegations of abuse in a flawed legal system.

Gender Issues of Domestic abuse, according to

Today, a war rages over the issue of domestic abuse.

Women’s groups contend that they are the primary victims of domestic abuse and have responded by orchestrating campaigns seeking sympathy for their position. These efforts have been amplified by high profile cases of alleged abuse by celebrities such as Ike Turner, O.J. Simpson, Mike Tyson, James Brown, and Tommy Lee.

These cases and the campaigns the spawn are often the focus of media outlets around the United States. This attention over the past few decades has resulted in increased awareness of domestic abuse against women, and new laws to prevent domestic abuse – some that focus on women specifically.

One of today’s most visible examples is the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which came up for reauthorization in Congress this year. This gender specific legislation is one sided but appeals to sentiment and traditional social mores.

The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 was a United States federal law signed by President Bill Clinton on September 13, 1994

This is part one of an ongoing series.