Facebook Funded Panorama: When Ed Tech/Community Organizing/ AI Destroys American Families

Edtech is a growing field run by profiteers taking advantage of American parents’ trust and taxpayers’ generosity toward public education. Panorama is a leading name in Edtech.

The company boasts a series of invasive surveys, screeners, questionnaires, quizzes, and requests for feedback from children, which is likely to become the process of replacing human teachers shortly.


Panorama claims they are invasive because they want to understand students better to help make schools better equipped to meet the needs of every child. They present a utopian view of how they are helping, however after investigating the reality of one family’s journey, in the article below, to understand the digital world of schooling, Panorma’s tactics only makes sense if we embrace their company’s personal version of a child, as being scared-lonely, broken, confused about their sexuality, and abused by their family members.

In at least one Mom’s story, schools are a difficult and frustrating maze of confusion. Panorama in this school is not all at pleasant.

Here is what I found:

According to Forbes, Panorama is funded, in part, by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg:

“The Yale grads (from left: Feuer, Tanner, Carel) saw their company become one of the most talked about ed tech startups of the year when it announced $4 million in seeding funding from Mark Zuckerberg’s Startup: Education, among others, in October. Panorama is specifically designed for K-12 schools to help them find data-driven solutions by collecting and analyzing feedback from teachers, parents, students and staff.”

Key Point: Panorama is a business run by a foreigner, who may not have an understanding of American civil liberties.  And he and his team have collected data on many American children and their families. Panorama is funded in part by Big Tech- that should be a conflict of interest since Big Tech is holding massive amounts of other data and making Trillions of dollars on selling data harvesting and collection.

Key Point: Kids who want to remain in Public School with their friends, and are afraid of being mocked for being different, will do just about anything to keep their parents from getting upset about the weird things schools do. This causes conflicts in families.

Key Point: Panorama is an essential tool for “machine learning and “interoperability” for Artificial Intelligence (AI) according to Gettingsmart.com, without the consent of citizens.

This is my article about one Mom’s journey to get answers from a school in Wake Co. North Carolina. It has not been an easy or a peaceful process for her to find out about what she is now discovering is Panorama based problems:


Tanzeen Syed, the founder of Panorama is a Private Equity Investment Professional from London. He was born in June 1982, which was over 39 years ago. TANZEEN SYED is Bangladeshi and resident in USA.

Syed is the managing director at General Atlantic; said edtech has been an essential area of focus for Panorama.

“When we looked at the U.S. education system, we thought that there was a massive opportunity and that we’re in the very early innings of using software and technology to really enhance the student experience,” Syed said in an interview about Panorama.

When it came to Panorama, he believes “it’s not just a business” for the company.


Panorama’s baseline is that all students are fragile, sexually confused, and have no family support. Learning about what the company values in progressive leftism will comfort the child and assist the school in teaching. The company’s baseline is that collecting data digitally on children all day long and teaching them new anti-American concepts will help them.


“Working with Panorama made my job easier. As someone in charge of my district’s data, Panorama made it incredibly simple to use our student data to set up student feedback surveys. We kept our surveys live for almost the whole year, and throughout that time, the Panorama team was exceptionally helpful and responsive.”

Karen Arens

Network and Database Applications Administrator
Minnetonka Public Schools (MN)


“The student surveys allow for my voice to be heard by the teachers as well as by the administration of the school and the district.”

Kendell Long

12th-grade student
Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy, Dallas (TX)

However,  the reality is that some parents don’t appreciate Panoram’s utopian intervention, don’t need Panorama’s assistance, and disapprove of the lessons.

It could be that parents feel left out of the loop, and based on all research,  parents are not considered a ‘valued stakeholder’ in the equation of their children’s lives by Panorama.

There are a lot of children who are “Panorama children in panorama families’, according to a Panorama promoted media called The Crunch: 

“13 million students in 23,000 schools across the United States, which means that 25% of American students are enrolled in a district served by Panorama today.

Since March 2020, Panorama has added 700 school districts to its customer base, nearly doubling the 800 it served just 18 months prior, according to Feuer.

Just what does Panorama do exactly? In a nutshell, the SaaS business surveys students, parents and teachers to collect actionable data. Former Yale graduate students Feuer and Xan Tanner started the company in an effort to figure out the best way for schools to collect and understand feedback from their students.”

With the COVID-19 pandemic leading to many students attending school virtually, the need to address students’ social and emotional needs has probably never been more paramount. Many children and teenagers have suffered depression and anxiety due to being isolated from their peers, and some believe the impact on their mental health has been even greater than any negative academic repercussions.

Students, for example, are asked questions to determine how safe they feel at school, how much they trust their teachers and how much potential they think they have.

“We help schools survey students, teachers and parents to understand the environment and experiences of the school,” Feuer told TechCrunch. “And then we help schools measure social and emotional development so that in the same way you might have rigorous data on math, you can now get information about social emotional learning and well-being.”

From Panorama media, they admit they are solving the problems on the data they collect, which was influenced by the materials they forced the students to interact with:

“Student mental health struggles skyrocketing” is the data that Panorama collected from surveys, which gives them cover to run more intervention, even without parental consent. 

“Based on the data that was collected, overall measures of self-reported student well-being showed that, since last spring, students are experiencing more challenging feelings (mad, lonely, sad, worried and frustrated) and fewer positive feelings (happy, safe and hopeful). Students did, however, share that they were a little more “excited” last fall than they were last spring,” a Panorama writer reported.
It is questionable if parents understand Panorama.
Do parents know that a child’s data, from their Panorama-owned laptop, held in Google classrooms, and analyzed by Panorama Global employees they may never meet, will stay with them?
“North Carolina student data travels with them across the district and through transitions to ensure that no student slips through the cracks. By having up to date academic, behavior, attendance, SEL, Assessment, and intervention data, schools and districts can effectively plan for student transitions without missing a beat.”
Do parents know that the Panorama surveys contain questions about a student’s life, their feelings and thoughts about relationships and specific information about parents regarding their political affiliation?
“North Carolina districts leverage performance data across academics, behavior, attendance, assessment, social-emotional learning, school climate, & family engagement data to inform school improvement planning, and professional development needs.”
Do parents know that schools are going to help make decisions for their families?
“North Carolina school districts are gathering highly impactful Family Engagement data along Karen Mapp’s Dual Capacity Framework to help make decisions on supporting parents/guardians to play an impactful role in student learning.”
This is the fourth part of a series on a Mom’s journey to discover what is happening in her child’s school.

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