Fordham University Protest: Bergquam Reports on Pro-Palestinian Movement and Police Response

Ben Bergquam reported live from Fordham University, where a large crowd had gathered in support of the enemies of Israel, which is part of a more significant national political movement that is exposing the deep-seated Marxist and Communist ideology that is coming from university staff and administrations.

While on scene Bergqum attempted to engage with some of the adults in the area, who were locking arms to protect some students who were chanting in front of an administration building, which was being occupied with other students, who were making demands.

At first the group believed that the university staff was going to negotiate with the occupying students, and then as Bergquam reported to Steve Bannon, police ended up removing numerous students and taking them away in police cars.

Media reports show:

Pro-Palestinian encampment pops up at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center campus

NEW YORK — Students at Fordham University’s set up a pro-Palestine encampment at the school’s Lincoln Center campus Wednesday.

The encampment was launched after protests broke out at the City College of New York and Columbia University Tuesday night, leading to the arrests of hundreds of protesters after clashes with police.

The protesting students at Fordham demand the Jesuit university disclose and divest from all companies they consider “complicit in the Israeli occupation and ongoing siege,” according to a press release from the Fordham for Palestine Coalition.

The coalition of students claims the university has used a recent tuition hike to profit off the war in Gaza, according to the release.

“As a Jesuit institution, Fordham University is a champion of the phrase, “Go forth and set the world on fire,” the release reads. “If Gaza burns, the world burns for them too.”

About 200 students flooded the sidewalk outside the Leon Lowenstein Center, a building at the Upper West Side campus where about a dozen students set up the encampment.

NYPD officers in riot gear arrived to the building early Wednesday evening and formed a line between the plexiglass windows of the lobby and the crowd on the sidewalk.

There were no immediate arrests.

In posts made to social media, students occupying the lobby held up letters they claim read that they have been suspended from the University.

Here is footage Bergquam published to his account:

Here is the interview with Bannon on the WarRoom:

Ben Bergquam Reporting Live From The Protests At Fordham University

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