Geopolitical Tensions About to Explode in American Streets, Says one Expert, Starts with Venezuela Expansion

America is suffering from Global leadership as military movements in South America are raising concerns among the people who are watching events that appear to be an escalation of dominance against the United States.

One expert, Mike Furey, Chief Executive Officer of American Manufacturing Group, gave an interview recently and highlighted his concerns about Venezuela’s move into Guyana, Iran’s presence in South America, and China’s potential entry into the region and other Geopolitical tensions and possible military actions by the USA.

Media sources are covering the same concerns:

Furey expressed concern about Venezuela’s potential invasion of Guyana with China’s support and said that “Intel suggests China and Iran may be planning a military base in Venezuela to attack America.”

There are other sources for such claims:

Furey believes a Global invasion and takeover of other countries is happening simultaneously. “China is expanding its influence in South America while purging its staff, while Hezbollah sets up training camps near Venezuela 1100 miles from the USA,” he said.

The two discussed the invasion of Venezuela and the US through illegal immigration, Furey expressing concern about the Globalist agenda, which he believes will have the loss of personal freedom.

Furey predicts fighting in the streets due to the immigration crisis and hints he thinks that President Trump will be able to handle military operations and potential future events.

In the video, Furey and the podcast host discuss the “deep state” and the potential for alien life, and a warning of an impending economic collapse in China, stopping to talk about the possibility of a war with China and the need for US military preparedness.


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