Hungry-Angry Illegal Invaders STILL Freely Going Through Closed Lukeville Port of Entry [Rainforth And Aguero Reports]

Independent media is leading the information to the American public about the brazen invasion of our Southern border. American patriots have been camping out in the area, lugging their equipment around alone and at their own expense to raise awareness of the danger our nation faces.

The footage of the closed port of entry in Lukeville AZ, with people pouring in, is incredible:

Independent journalist Jeff Rainforth has been camped out at the US Southern Border and reporting about the details of the African-Asian-Islamic invasion of the United States on his substack account for over six weeks, focusing on the attack at the Lukeville AZ port of entry. His disturbing footage can be found on his YouTube channel as well.

Another Independent reporter we have highlighted is Anthony Aguero, whose work can be found on Twitter and YouTube. Aguero gets up close and personal footage of interactions between the invaders and the children they have in tow and details the growing unrest due to hunger or frustration.

On Monday, Corporate media reported that U.S. Customs and Border Protection will be temporarily suspending operations at a border crossing in Lukeville, Arizona, to free up agents to deal with what they call “increased levels of migrant encounters” at the border “fueled by smugglers peddling disinformation to prey on vulnerable individuals.”

Border officials said they are redirecting all vehicle and pedestrian traffic to other ports of entry in the area.

The agency told ABC News that the Tucson sector, where Lukeville is located, is currently seeing the most migrant encounters of any area along the southern border with Mexico.

On Friday, the sector’s chief patrol agent, John Modlin, said there had been around 17,500 migrant apprehensions over a week. By contrast, there were 23,411 migrant encounters in the area in November 2022.

The sector saw more than 55,000 encounters in October, officials said.

CBP’s acting commissioner, Troy A. Miller, told ABC News that the agency is helping to execute law enforcement operations targeting transportation networks helping to smuggle migrants through northern Mexico en route to the border.

Smuggling organizations have been exploiting the region in part because of how remote it is, CBP said.

Recently, Rainforth reported something that the corporate administration media is covering up that the fake efforts of the Biden regime to shut down a highly problematic port of entry for illegal entry is wide open, and people are still just walking through to the United States as if they were ticketholders at Disney Land.

Check this out:

“Over 200 illegal aliens just went through the now indefinitely closed Lukeville Port of Entry in Arizona. I’ve been camped at the port filming along the wall for 6 weeks. The insanity grows by the day. Border agents are at the wall with 900 but sent a truck here to direct these. Lots of footage is available. News media, contact me if you want to buy the only videos there are of this.”

Rainforth has appeared with Steve Bannon on the War Room to report on Lukeville:

Another independent journalist and investigative reporter who often files his work with Real America’s Voice, Anthony Aguero, has also been on location in the Lukeville, AZ port of entry and has captured the massive. Numbers of men coming through the area, reporting that there are other problems, such as all of these men are hungry and on the edge:

Aguero appeared recently with Bannon on the War Room to talk about what he observed:

Aguero’s shocking work highlights brazen acts of inhumanity against children.

“Drugged Children. This is the work I do and this video was the reason I was canceled on PayPal, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Buy Me A Coffee and Cash App. Understand that this pedo cult will try to destroy you the minute you try and shine light in to what they’re doing. If you’re interested in following my content live, please find me on Locals and #BorderWars on Rumble. Help me shed some light in to the darkness on the southern border. Consider going to I need your help now more than ever to continue bringing this to light. I’m not funded by Soros or a big company, it’s just good folks like yourself and I. Thank you for all your prayers and support. Let’s keep shining the light and rescuing kids at the border,” Aguero wrote:

Rainforth’s work is for sale, so there is no excuse for the corporate media to say they didn’t know about this:

“So I walked through the closed port of entry to the other side and the illegal aliens are walking along the border wall. I talked to BP who said there was a wall breach and 500 got thru. I have tons of footage. Need sleep. 16 hour days. I fund this mission myself & with donor help & lose money on it. If u wanna buy me gas or coffee my cashapp is$RainforthJ Gracias, yo”

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