‘Impeach Biden’ Movement Blazes Foward

Actor Jon Voigt made a plea to impeach Democrat Joe Biden that quickly went viral on Tuesday, just one day after our 2022 Independence Day celebrations.

“We’re all angry. And let’s remember why- it starts with the seat of the president of the United States. He has wronged this nation’s Glory.

He is taken down our morals, our true gift of the land of the free. He must be impeached. We cannot wait for another second of having him, dictate our path. Let us work together.

Get him out and make this country what she stands for, for greatness, the land of opportunity to land of the greatest soil our forefathers fought for.

Don’t let this President Biden tear down every inch. That was sacrificed with Blood, Sweat, and Tears, for his dictation of Lies. I urge all to see truths I urge all to make a difference.