IT’S TIME! ‘We Need Republicans to Vote with Us to Force This to the Floor,’ Boebert said About Her Articles to Impeach Joe Biden

There are a lot of reasons to push to impeach Joe Biden, but the latest aggressive move to rid the country of his leadership is focused on Biden’s dereliction of duty on the US Southern Border and is spearheaded by firebrand America First Lauren Boebert (R-CO) who says she is tired of the nonsense in DC to “go along and get along” that is pervasive even in the Republican party.

The Republicans have the majority. However, the problem Boebert faces is that Republicans will refuse to go along with what Americans want.

Republicans have had other articles written up, but Boebert says her intention is not just to be political theater. She is “very, very” serious about impeaching Joe Biden.

“I take everything I do very seriously. We have seen the invasion on the border, and we see the sex trafficking, and we have seen the failure theater. In Colorado, we are a sanctuary state and now a border state. I am concerned about the drug trafficking, and I drafted my articles of impeachment to force a vote on my articles to Impeach Joe Biden. I have the support in my state from Independents and Republicans,” Boebert told Steve Bannon on the War Room Wednesday morning, who asked where Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) stands.

“I have not heard of support from leadership yet. There is talk of going through a committee, which is fine, but I want action. I didn’t come to DC to get along to go along.

“Please call your Reps tell them to stay strong and let this debate happen,” she said.

Bannon, who reminded his audience that establishment Republicans are going to push back on her- put up the phone number to call the switchboard for people to call their reps: 202-225-3121

“There is no question that the invasion of the USA was well thought through. We are focused on the Southern Border, she said, adding:

“This is all about their intention. They know how to have control and security, and they choose not to do it. I am done talking. I want action. We want an Up or Down, vote with a debate. We will have one hour debate first for the American people to see, if this gets through,” she said.

“Biden and his administration are purposefully opening up our borders to allow this crime spree and we have been talking about it for two and half years, and this move will force a debate about the sovereignty of the United States. The Democrats will try to table this, so we need all Republicans stick together and not vote with the Democrats,” Boebert told Bannon.

Here are some of her recent tweets about the situation:

Here is how NBC covered Boebert’s moves:

Rep. Lauren Boebert introduced articles of impeachment Tuesday against President Joe Biden that will force a House floor vote in the coming days.

The articles offered by Boebert, R-Colo., which focus on Biden’s handling of immigration and the U.S.-Mexico border, come on the day court filings revealed a plea agreement for Hunter Biden over misdemeanor tax offenses and a felony firearm crime.

“President Biden’s negligence of duty has resulted in the surrender of operational control of the border to the complete and total control of foreign criminal cartels putting the lives of American citizens in jeopardy,” Boebert said on the House floor Tuesday.

Unlike other impeachment efforts, Boebert said, hers uses a procedural tactic that requires the House to hold a floor vote.

“I am bringing my articles of impeachment against Joe Biden to the House Floor in a privileged motion, meaning that every Member of Congress must vote on holding Joe Biden accountable,” Boebert tweeted.

A spokesperson for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., did not immediately respond to a request for comment about when the resolution would come to the floor.

House Democratic Whip Katherine Clark of Massachusetts said in an email to colleagues Tuesday night that the House “is expected to take a procedure vote on the motion to table the resolution when it is offered this week.”

Passing a motion to table the resolution would essentially block Boebert’s effort.

The six-page impeachment resolution argues that Biden has abused his power and is derelict in his duty as president, leading an administration “that has continuously, overtly, and consistently violated Federal immigration law by pursuing an aggressive, open-borders agenda.”

Boebert, who tried to impeach Biden in 2021, accuses him of “purposefully and knowingly” releasing millions of migrants into the U.S. “without the intention or ability to ensure that they appear in immigration court to face asylum or deportation proceedings.

Asked for comment, White House spokesperson Ian Sams said in a statement that “extreme House Republicans are staging baseless political stunts that do nothing to help real people and only serve to get themselves attention.”

Congressional Republicans and some Democrats have criticized Biden over his handling of southern border crossings and have frequently opposed efforts to wind down a Trump-era policy known as Title 42, which was lifted last month.

The Biden administration has defended its border policies, arguing in a recent court filing that its actions have reduced the number of migrants permitted to apply for asylum at the southern border by allowing them to be screened for asylum only if they can prove that they previously tried to apply in countries they passed through or that their cases are exceptions to the rule.

According to Customs and Border Protection, border crossings have fallen from over 10,000 a day to roughly 3,500 a day since Title 42 was ended.

Republicans have previously introduced impeachment articles against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, which have not gone to the floor for a vote.

In May, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., introduced impeachment articles against Biden over the administration’s handling of migrant crossings, but the resolution did not require a floor vote, as Boebert’s will.

The procedural tactic Boebert employed was used last week by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., in an effort to censure and fine Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. Democrats, along with almost two dozen Republicans, blocked the measure in a floor vote.

Luna told NBC News on Tuesday that a separate measure to censure Schiff without fining him will get a vote Wednesday night, adding that she has secured the necessary number of GOP votes for it to pass.

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