Leftist Tells Mark Robinson To ‘Hang From A Tree’ VIDEO

Lt. Governor, Mark Robinson, is facing vicious attacks by the left, including racist death threats, for speaking his mind while serving at the state of North Carolina’s highest-ranking Republican and the state’s first Black Lt. Gov.

Key Note: The words hurled at Robinson in revenge and hatred are so filthy that he had to blot them out, in a recent transmission, as required by many media outlets and national standards, proving the point that Robinson is right North Carolina has a filth problem.

On Tuesday, Robinson went before cameras to have a press conference about why he is standing up against Child pornography in the schools and why he is defending his religions and political beliefs.

Robinson played audio footage of a man who sounded like he may have been drunk, calling Robinson the “N” word and saying that he would like to see Robinson hang from the highest tree.

At the press conference, Robinson also had a board displayed with the text of one of the many racist and vile messages he has been receiving after describing the presence of pornography in some North Carolina schools.

But the reporters didn’t care; they wanted to slam him with their narrative by claiming he said something- which he never said. Apparently, Robinson is not allowed to advocate for children, parents, families, school workers and taxpayers, in the schools.

That is odd, because the Lt. Governor, according to NC Government page serves in a position with schools.

“The Lt. Governor has a unique role as a nexus between Education and Economic Development. Serves on the State Board of Education, NC Board of Community Colleges, State Economic Development Board, and the Military Affairs Commission.”

So why can’t he perform his duties, as he was elected to do?

Robinson is on record, after receiving wide support from North Carolinianians,  as calling sexual indoctrination against children as “filthy”. He never called anyone filthy, he called the indoctrination filthy, he called the materials filthy, and the left jumped in to exploit the situation.

Robinson didn’t make this up, and he is representing the people.

What is the problem? The left needs some drama, that is the problem.

Even radical far left Josh Stein chimed in and gave his opinion of what he feels that Robinson said, which Robinson did not actually say.

The left does not care at all how racist and out of control they look.  How filthy their attacks are on Robinson, they don’t even care if they look logical.  They need to protect the way they have run the schools.  But the people are not stopping and Robinson is not stopping.

Robinson and his supporters persist.

And the left persists as well, demanding that everyone else is a racist, while the attack the first Black Lt. Governor of North Carolina, where he is welcomed, respected, and honored by the rest of the state.
