“Tlaib faces calls to be barred from Israel briefings after ‘misinformation’ about Gaza hospital explosion,” Fox News reported Thursday, adding:
“Taib sided with Hamas over the Biden admin by claiming Israel was responsible for a Gaza hospital explosion”
Here is what Fox reprorted:
Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., is facing a demand for her removal from future classified briefings on military operations in Israel after she sided with Hamas over the Biden administration concerning the explosion at a Gaza hospital earlier this week.
In a Thursday letter obtained exclusively by Fox News Digital, Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, accused the far-left “Squad” member of spreading “misinformation” when she repeated Hamas’ claim Israel was behind the hospital explosion. U.S. and Israeli intelligence officials have repeatedly said it was caused by a rocket fired from Gaza.
Jackson also accused her of being a Hamas sympathizer.
“I demand that Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib be prevented from participating in any classified briefing about Israel’s ongoing military operations, Israel’s self-defense efforts, or any American military movements in and around the region,” Jackson wrote to Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry, R-N.C. and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y.
“We must not allow Hamas sympathizers in this body to serve as the mouthpiece for Palestinian terrorists. Rather than condemn the attacks by Hamas, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has chosen to side with Hamas by spreading misinformation,” he wrote.
Jackson went on to write it had “become clear that Congresswoman Tlaib’s allegiance lies with Hamas,” and that she couldn’t be trusted with sensitive information that could “put American and Israeli lives at risk.”
And that is not all, the disrespect to our Republic has too far for many people.
The disrespect to the American flag, and therefore the service of American men and women who served in the military and also for the American people, is outrageous, and Tlaib needs to have her disrespectful display of flags addressed.
Ben Bergquam, a correspondent for Real America’s Voice, was live on the scene in Washington DC on Wednesday when a group of protestors seized an official building on the ground to protest on behalf of Palestine, after a rousing speech by radical US Rep. Rhasida Tlaib.
Bergquam stopped by Tlaib’s office and noted that the Congresswoman had proudly displayed a number ofother flags with her state of Michigan and City of Detriot Flags, being the homosexual flag and the Palestinian flag:
Here is a photo of the flags- Bergquam’s footage is at the link below:

Here is US Flag code for the US House of Reps:
c) No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, when the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy. No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof: Provided, That nothing in this section shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice heretofore followed of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior prominence or honor, and other national flags in positions of equal prominence or honor, with that of the flag of the United States at the headquarters of the United Nations.
Here is more of our covearge of the Insurrection from Wednesday: