Modern Day Slavery: ‘Leftists Train People How to Come Here And Then Drive Those People Toward The Cartels,’ Berquam On Just The News

Ben Bergquam, of Real Americas Voice, was featured by Just the News on Monday for his unique in-person reporting on the southern border uncovering a deepening humanitarian crisis which is leading headlines this week as people become aware of the chaotic situation there.

“America needs to see this, as hard as it is, they need to understand,” Ben Bergquam told Just The News.

“The only way to describe this is that it is like the wild, wild west here in Yuma Arizona,” Bergquam said, pointing to a large opening in the border security wall which was built under President Donald J. Trump and is now under a stop-work order, by Democrat Joe Biden.

“The wall is 30 feet tall, but they don’t work with a huge gap in them. The bigger problem that we have is with Biden rescinding the Remain In Mexico policy, and that has caused what I have seen these groups crossing, even while I was live on the air from Mexico, there were groups crossing,” he said, turning toward the gap in the wall.


“The groups are coming across and simply asking for border patrol. They know what to do, they got the memo. The leftists are down in Mexico telling people and training them on how to undermine our American sovereignty. The leftists are teaching them what to say and do, but the problem is that the Cartels still own this operation.


Join Ben Bergquam on Real America’s Voice, Just the News, Steve Bannon’s War Room, and Frontline America, and help him educate Americans on what is happening by sharing this article and the following video.

“We saw at least 10 groups, as we were live over the days we were here. This is what Democrats and Joe Biden and the left are trying to minimize, but this is modern-day slavery.

They are selling children into sex trafficking and into human trafficking,” he said.

Listen to Bergquam describe the outrageous behavior by Democrats of enticing people to cross over the border, where they become fodder for the Cartel. Listen to him talk about how a child is “recycled” and moved back and forth across the border 17 times.


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