New Avacado Suspension Shows Turf Wars We Are Importing Into USA

How much do Americans love our avocados?  Well, we will have to love them a little less, because there is a new suspension on Mexican Avocados that Americans are not hearing much about yet.

“Mexico has acknowledged that the U.S. government has suspended all imports of Mexican avocados after a U.S. plant safety inspector in Mexico received a threat,” NBC News reported on Sunday.

Just recently, in 2019, when the left believed they could frame the avocado carnage on Trump, the left went on an all-out media campaign to talk about their desperate love and need of all things Avocados. Social media and news was full of stories about how Trump had let the world down.

Activists even designed the cutest little emoji characters out of Avacado and humanized the fruit- and now the media is pretty much silent about the February announcement that  Democrats in the USA will be suspending imports of Avocados!

“US consumers would run out of avocados in three weeks if Donald Trump makes good on his threat to close down the US–Mexico border,” the media reported in 2019.

“Trump said on Friday that there was a “very good likelihood” he would close the border this week if Mexico did not stop immigrants from reaching the United States. ‘We’re one community’: border cities fear Trump’s crackdown,” reported the Guardian in 2019, and they sent the left into an Avacado feeding frenzy and demands for open borders.

But a complete shutdown would disrupt millions of legal border crossings in addition to asylum seekers, as well as billions of dollars in trade, about $137bn of which is in food imports.

But now the fear of losing avocados is mostly mute- but then again the borders are open. That might have been the whole entire purpose for the Kabuki theater over the avocados in the first place.

The loss of interest over Avocados, now, might be because the same Democrat administration is importing the same criminal and warring lifestyle into the United States- which is causing problems over Avacados in Mexico.

Democrats are importing threat-making cartels into the US  with their open borders policies- and they may want to keep that on the down-low, because when Americans know about that- approval ratings for Democrats plummet.

That is because Americans don’t like the idea of living in crime-infested areas.

Crimes have risen drastically in all areas where illegal invaders from third world nations have been occurring under Democrat Joe Biden.

Fox News reported on the increase in crime thanks to the Biden administration’s policies.

“I’ve been living and working here in Nogales for five years, and the crime has increased,” one man, Placido, told Fox News. “There have been many cases of immigrants from Central America who have been the main ones affecting us here.”

Sonora, the state where Nogales is located, is considered one of the most dangerous places in Mexico. Violent crime increased 46.4% in 2020, according to the Mexico Peace Index.

NBC reported on the violent threats and the avocados:

The surprise suspension was confirmed late Saturday on the eve of the Super Bowl, the biggest sales opportunity of the year for Mexican avocado growers.

Avocado exports are the latest victim of the drug cartel turf battles and extortion of avocado growers in the western state of Michoacan, the only state in Mexico fully authorized to export to the U.S. market.

The U.S. government suspended all imports of Mexican avocados “until further notice” after a U.S. plant safety inspector in Mexico received a threatening message, Mexico’s Agriculture Department said in a statement.

“U.S. health authorities … made the decision after one of their officials, who was carrying out inspections in Uruapan, Michoacan, received a threatening message on his official cellphone,” the department wrote.

The import ban came on the day that the Mexican avocado growers and packers association unveiled its Super Bowl ad for this year. Mexican exporters have taken out the pricey ads for almost a decade in a bid to associate guacamole as a Super Bowl tradition.

This year’s ad shows Julius Caesar and a rough bunch of gladiator fans outside what appears to be the Colosseum, soothing their apparently violent differences by enjoying guacamole and avocados.

The association did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the ban, which hits an industry with almost $3 billion in annual exports. However, avocados for this year’s Super Bowl had already been exported in the weeks prior to the event.

Because the United States also grows avocados, U.S. inspectors work in Mexico to ensure exported avocados don’t carry diseases that could hurt U.S. crops.

It was only in 1997 that the U.S. lifted a ban on Mexican avocados that had been in place since 1914 to prevent a range of weevils, scabs and pests from entering U.S. orchards.

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