Paris Transformed: Imam of Peace Smacks Macron for Importing Islamic Terrorists into France

Hashtag “France has Fallen” was trending on Monday, highlighting many of the gruesome videos of the takeover of the country, where Islamic terrorists have engulfed the countryside in fires and protests as the countryside enters its 7th day of unrest which was ignited by the protests over the shooting death of a 17-year-old Muslim man.

CNN reported on the details of the riots:

The grandmother of the 17-year-old boy who was fatally shot by a police officer in a Paris suburb last week has called for an end to the violence that stretched into a sixth night after his death.

Victim Nahel Merzouk’s grandmother appealed to protesters on Sunday, telling CNN’s affiliate BFMTV: “They should not damage the schools, not break the buses, it was the moms who take the buses.”

“I’m tired,” the grandmother, identified by BMFTV as Nadia, said, adding that Nahel’s mother, “doesn’t have a life anymore.”

Security forces deployed more than 45,000 police and gendarmes across France on Sunday night following the violent public unrest, the government said.

France’s Ministry of Interior said 157 people were detained overnight Sunday into Monday morning local time, following a much calmer night of violence.

Many of the people detained since the protests began on Tuesday are minors, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said Saturday, adding that the average age of the more than 2,000 detainees is 17 years old.

The situation across France on Sunday was less tense than Saturday, with only sporadic protests reported, according to CNN producers in France.

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CNN affiliate BFMTV reported that “no major incident was reported” overnight.

Three police and gendarmes were injured, and one police station and one gendarmerie were attacked, BFMTV reported.

French President Emmanuel Macron will soon launch a procedure to “understand deeply” the cause of unrest that has been rocking France since Tuesday, a source present at the meeting between Macron and his top officials Sunday told CNN.

It is questionable who he will seek for understanding. Likely Macron will not be consulting with anyone who disagrees with his immigration policies. Still, one such person has gone viral, for an old- but consistent- warning about Western countries importing Islamic terrorists, for his obvious common sense.

From the interview video below with the Imam of Peace:

“Where do terrorists operate? London and France and Washington DC in Australia and Canada, Toronto. They operate here, they have bank accounts, and they are registered charities, right? So Macron, the president of France. Recently said, the Islamic world is in a crisis. In my opinion, yeah, we do have problems. We do have problems, but the broader picture, Islam is very successful and is growing very fast.  We’re doing really well.

There is no crisis in Abu Dhabi UAE, Bahrain, or Kuwait. There is no crisis there.

The Muslim countries are doing good there. Only some places is there a problem. I say no, you are in a crisis.

You went to the Muslim countries and you imported the garbage that the Muslim countries wanted to put in prison or isolate away from society. You went, and you imported them. Why? For cheap labor, but these Islamist extremists, they don’t want to work.

They want free welfare. They want to marry a French woman. Blond hair, blue eyes. They don’t have time to work. So look at Poland, they don’t complain about Islamic extremism.

Not a single terrorist attack in Poland. The moment they sense there’s a problem, they cracked down on it.

Polish policy is beautiful, but the French say- no, come.

When they come, they use the resources. They go to Washington DC and they sit in Congress. They support the Iranian regime. They go against the sanctions and Congress, right? With their hijab, why? Because the ideology is filth to begin with.

When you import that, or you allow it in, or you amplify it, or you glorify it in any way, you make your bed sleep in it. So that is also a problem of the West.

The question is Tina. Did the extremists become stronger or the West become weaker? I say it’s both.”

Mohammad Tawhidi is an Australian Shia Muslim influencer, according to his Bio.

Tawhidi recently slammed both Islamic countries and Western countries for the disasters that are unfolding in Europe. He currently serves as the Vice President of The Global Imams Council, a group based in Iraq. reported on the details of the viral video, which served as validation that a cleric, the Imam of Peace knows what he is talking about:

Amidst the ongoing riots in France, an old video of Islamic cleric Mohammad Tawhidi, warning against the import of migrants to the country, has gone viral on social media.

In an interview dated September 9, 2022, the ‘Imam of peace’ talked about how Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) cannot operate in Muslim countries but freely operate in nations such as the UK, the US, Canada and Australia.

While speaking on combating extremism, Islamism and political Islam, Tawhidi said that terrorism is being executed in two manners. First, it is done within the Muslim world and second, outside the Muslim world.

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