Popularity Drop: Kamala Will Go Anywhere But The US Southern Border [VIDEO]

Democrat Kamala Harris is always busy jetting off somewhere to be treated like royalty, but she is avoiding the US Southern border, where there is massive human suffering going on due to her administration’s policy blunders and anti-American behavior.

While Harris tells the media that the border is secure, she has not spent much time in the area or spoken to anyone else who has- to make that judgment. Remember, rust one year ago, Harris cackled as she explained why she hadn’t been to the border:

That could be one of the reasons Harris is not very popular.

The Times is tracking the latest national opinion polls to help gauge how voters view Vice President Kamala Harris. A California native, Harris is the first female, Black, and South Asian American to serve as the nation’s second in command.

As of Sept. 20, 39% of registered voters had a favorable opinion of Harris and 53% had an unfavorable opinion — a net rating of -14 percentage points, according to a Times average. This page will update as new polls arrive.

Since taking office, Harris has been assigned one of the administration’s thorniest issues: stemming the influx of immigrants attempting to cross U.S. borders. Republicans have sought to make her the face of an issue that they believe could help them politically.

After taking on that role, Harris’ approval ratings began to decline, with unfavorable opinions surpassing favorable ones in June 2021. Whether the decline is directly related to the immigration debate is uncertain, however, as the dip in her approval also corresponds to a small decline in President Biden’s job approval.

The dip followed an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, where Harris bristled at a question about why she had not visited the border, triggering criticism. Comments about immigration and the United States’ southern border during visits to Mexico and Guatemala have also sparked controversy.

Harris was busted this week- again- for avoiding her job on the border:

According to media reports:

Harris told South Korea’s prime minister on Tuesday that Washington will work to address Seoul’s concerns over recently enacted electric vehicle (EV) subsidies that could disadvantage Asian automakers.

The $430 billion “Inflation Reduction Act” bill enacted in August includes a host of U.S. President Joe Biden’s priorities, including investments to roll back climate change and make Washington a world leader in the EV market.

Among the law’s provisions are requirements that EVs be assembled in North America to qualify for tax credits. The law also ends subsidies for other EV models and requires that a percentage of critical minerals used in those cars’ batteries come from the United States or an American free-trade partner.

Harris, visiting Japan, met with South Korea’s Han Duck-soo and “underscored that she understood (Korean) concerns regarding the Act’s tax incentives for electric vehicles, and they pledged to continue to consult as the law is implemented,” the White House said.

A senior Biden administration official said extensive conversations have already taken place within the U.S. government over how to address South Korea’s concerns.

“She listened very carefully and made clear our commitment to work within the U.S. government — the U.S. Trade Representative, the Treasury Department — as we look … to help address that issue,” the official said.