SHOCKING! Bergquam On The Border: ‘The American Left Has Turned Tijuana Into An Autonomous Zone’ Pt. 1

Ben Bergquam, the founder of Frontline America, a reporter for Real America’s Voice, and a frequent guest on Steve Bannon’s war Room Pandemic published a Livestream video on Thursday from Tijuana, Mexico that should convince Americans to demand changes in Democrat US Border Policy.

Bergquam discussed the situation in Tijuana where two police cars had been fire bombed by Drug Cartel leaders, and the crimes were being treated lightly, due to the volume and amount of other crimes. The increase Bergquam said, to crime in the area was due to open borders in the US pulling dangerously criminal actors into areas in the United States and in Mexico, near the border.

Birgquam exposed how the American left, with the non Profit and Non-Government agencies, are aiding the criminals, even renting tent space to travelers and helping them cross over the border illegally.

“Live from Tijuana Mexico where cartels and American activist have taken over!,”Bergquam labeled the video.

Bergquam said that based on interviews of eyewitnesses “leftist activists are working with the cartels, we are being told that is not safe for us to go into the border areas anymore. There are leftist activists, and locals are saying that they are pissed off saying that these leftist activists have more rights than they do. These are Americans leftists. Locals are saying that drug and sex crimes in these areas are out of control.”

“We are working on all of these stories and will update. This is all happening while Democrats say there is nothing to see here. This is leftist and globalist, anti-American and anti- Mexican insurgence,” Bergquam said.


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“The Democrats are doing this. This is extortion. Anyone who is for open borders is helping the drug cartels and politicians know it,” Bergquam said.

Watch Ben Bergquam call the Democrats out for what he has called the crimes of our generation:

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