“Spankings Are Coming For Democrats From Nuclear MAGA!” Bergquam Shows Off Massive Crowd At AZ Trump Rally

Ben Bergquam is a beloved fixture at rallies for President Donald J. Trump – the crows love him, and especially love when he scans the crowd as they wait in line to enter the area where the fanfare will happen.

This week Bergquam was in Arizona for a festive rally to make sure people get out and vote for Kari Lake for Governor, especially. While there, Bergquam did one of his famous crowd scans and showed a whole lot of happy people waiting in line to be a part of ‘Atomic MAGA”.

Ben took the opportunity to remind me that going to vote the Democrat out is like giving them a spanking.

“I want to show the fake news that we are coming on November, and this line is hours before President comes here,” Bergquam said.