Steve Bannon Commands Huge Engaged Audience at Election Summit, Takes Them to Their Feet!

Steve Bannon, the host of the War Room, participated in a panel of heroes and delivered an electric speech on Wednesday at the Lindell Election Crime Bureau in Springfield Mo, where the theme was “Hope for America”. Mike Lindell, the CEO of My Pillow, held his third election summit with hundreds of activists representing each of the 50 states of the USA and to celebrate the progress the groups are having making an impact on election policies.

Lindell has teased out for weeks that his final plan to save America and change the election process will be revealed at the two-day event, and will happen at 1PM Central time Thursday.

Wednesday night, after hearing from each state individually, the audience heard about the nation’s outlook to reform the election process and got a jolt of energy.

“Fight, Fight, Fight, ” the audience shouted from their feet, where Bannon raised them by slamming the opponents of President Donald J. Trump.

“Have you not begun to fight? Or are you going to follow a Keebler Elves?” Bannon thundered, invoking the primary challengers Trump faces for the 2024 Republican Primary for POTUS.


The speech was a rousing endorsement of Donald J. Trump:

General Mike Flynn laid out the plan for Trump to win:

The elections movement to rid the country of the machines is growing into a powerhouse of activism, as Bannon recognized, encouraging the audience to stay engaged:

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