Thom Tillis Tries To Push Madison Cawthorn Over The Edge For Mocking Biden

North Carolina is a hotbed of vicious fighting and jealousy with a well-organized bed of political smear jobs. And one highly disliked Republican Senator is making his opposition crystal clear to the America First movement.  Just in time as North Carolina gets their “month of voting” underway, with early voting starting on Thursday for the 2022 midterm primaries.

Thom Tillis has run to the radical far-left US House, which is busy persecuting American citizens for their support of President Donald J. Trump, begging them to punish firebrand America First US House rep. Madison Cawthorn for likely leading in the polls in the NC Primary, where Tillis has a vested interest in keeping the RINOS there in power.

After months of escalating political intimidation that would make the mob blush, Cawthorn has been under intense pressure to not win his race, and now Tillis is trying to push him over the edge in defeat.

“Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., called on Congress to investigate his GOP colleague Rep. Madison Cawthorn over allegations Cawthorn may have violated insider trading rules,” CNBC reported.

“The allegations from government ethics groups stem from Cawthorn’s involvement with Let’s Go Brandon coin, a cryptocurrency whose name is based on a conservative meme mocking President Joe Biden.

Tillis’ call for an investigation came as Cawthorn was already facing criticism from some within the Republican Party because Cawthorn was endorsed by President Donald J. Trump, and the RINO Republicans are furious about that endorsement.

Tillis was eager to enlist the help of the left to smear Cawthorn in public.  Tillis, who is highly unlikable to North Carolina voters, appears to widely support Cawthorn.

Cawthorn is under attack by both the left and the RINO right in the NCGOP, is gaining popularity daily:

Esquire wrote about the clown show North Carolina has become:

“Senator Thom Tillis wants to bring the House Ethics Committee down on his ass? How’d that happen? Isn’t it enough that Cawthorn made those infamous remarks about cocaine-fueled sex orgies among his fellow Republicans? Can’t a brother get a break?

On the surface, as far as his politics go, Cawthorn isn’t any different from Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, or any of the other Bedlamites in the Republican caucus in the House of Representatives. So why has he turned into Velcro for almost every kind of public scandal? The answer may lie in the fact that, unlike those two, Cawthorn has made some dangerous enemies back home, the kind who want the wingnut playground all to themselves, and who have the money to buy their way in.

Tillis, who was booed roundly many times at Trump rallies.

From ncdp:

A “telling crowd reaction” as Tillis booed for a THIRD time at a Trump rally one day before the general election begins

Ahead of primary, conservative opponent says he’s “disgusted by Thom Tillis’ flip-flopping and inconsistency on issues”

Senator Tillis is closing out the North Carolina Republican Senate primary the same way he started it: being booed at Trump rallies, “strikingly unpopular,” and “under fire” from fellow Republicans.

A year ago, Senator Tillis announced his opposition to the president’s emergency declaration – and faced a swift and immediate backlash from in-state conservatives, creating a major rift between Republican voters and Senator Tillis that — according to the boos at yesterday’s Trump rally — still hasn’t healed.

“Senator Tillis is limping into the general election, under fire from conservatives and with fractured support in his own party because he’s a weak, self-serving politician whom no one trusts,” NCDP spokesman Robert Howard said.

Take a look at Tillis’ disastrous year with base Republicans:

  • June 2019: “Survival”: National commentators lay out in painstaking detail how Tillis has caved on his principles to shore up his support with GOP voters.
  • August 2019: Polling confirms that Tillis continues to be underwater with GOP voters.
  • September 2019: Tillis again met with “a chorus of boos” at yet another GOP rally, as voters say he’s “wishy-washy” and “a fair-weather friend.”
  • October 2019One after another after another after another nonpartisan experts shift NC-Sen in the Democrats’ direction, citing Tillis’ “self-inflicted wounds,” his “image problem,” and how his “personal favorability numbers are not good,” and observing that “voters of all ideological stripes simply don’t trust Tillis.”
  • December 2019: Tillis fails to earn the backing of his former primary challenger after sinking $700,000 into primary ads to defend himself from the right.
  • January 2020: “Be careful; you saw what happened to Tillis”: Tillis becomes the poster child for vulnerable GOP incumbents too spineless to break with the president.
  • February 2020: Pre-primary polling shows Tillis unpopular and underwater with key groups, including independents, women, suburban women, and military households; Tillis trails Trump’s approval rating with base Republicans by 28 points (92% – 64%).

Now, as the primary closes, Tillis is still “under fire” from North Carolina conservatives and, in a “telling crowd reaction,” is still facing boos at a Trump rally (now for the third time). One challenger said he is “disgusted by Thom Tillis’ flip-flopping and inconsistency on issues that are critical to conservatives,” while another said that Tillis has “totally ignored his constituents,” including on a controversial local transportation project.